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Geo's Ego Page...

I had no idea what to make this page about... So what better idea then to make it all about yours truly . =) And this way I can't get into any trouble for using someone else’s images. So I guess here is where I will tell you a little about me. My names Georgia and I attend the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. At the moment I am going For an associates in multimedia and web design... changed majors... from graphic... so I guess I better get good at this quick... Hmmm things I like to do I like to go to Concerts and local shows and I love all types of Music form classic rock,Indie, punk, Hardcore,Jam bands, Drum and bass, jungle...etc. I love movies... Anima, Drug movies, anything by quentin "fucking" heh terrintino, Hayao Miyzaki,Martin Scorsasee and more. I live in Pittsburgh, PA and have lived here my entire life. I hope to get out of here...I need to go where it's warm...Cali maybe. I like to read a lot about philosophy and religion,Ancient History is pretty damn cool but there’s also the sci-fi and fantasy can't forget about that.

Me on AIP ID
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