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We are not here to protect the innocent.. fuck the innocent.
More than just aim, buddypic too!

Convo between ( XxscrapyxX ) and ( SK8erMaddog )
Jus a moron thinkin hes the shit lol sounds like me (eyedea)

XxscrapyxX: Sup
XxscrapyxX: Hey
SK8erMaddog: hi
XxscrapyxX: whats up?
XxscrapyxX: well...arent you gonna chat with us?
SK8erMaddog: why, so u can trash on my 75 IQ?
XxscrapyxX: yup...seriously tho...stop breathing.
SK8erMaddog: yup seriously tho, stop talking to me, u piece of trash
SK8erMaddog: u talked to me first
SK8erMaddog: I didnt ask to talk to your kind
XxscrapyxX: cant you come up with anything better than that?
SK8erMaddog: as soon as u come up with somthin better than that oh so clever statement for me to stop breathing
XxscrapyxX: dude are such a waste of flesh and oxygen just give it up... im sure there are really high bridges around where you live? right?
SK8erMaddog: right, exactly, their not high enough
XxscrapyxX: well...find one!
SK8erMaddog: 40 feet just wont do it for my body
SK8erMaddog: better yet, why not a cliff
XxscrapyxX: oh beacause its not like i havent seen your picture
SK8erMaddog: so afterit aint like I havent seen ure fuckin shitty pic
XxscrapyxX: ok whoa got me there
SK8erMaddog: sure did
XxscrapyxX: im sorry i messed with you dooood
SK8erMaddog: thats a pretty clever rhyme u got goin there
XxscrapyxX: what?
SK8erMaddog: lol
XxscrapyxX: what the fuck are you tlaking about?
SK8erMaddog: oh so unique and flowing
XxscrapyxX: are you taking drugs?
SK8erMaddog: only ecstacy and angel dust and E
SK8erMaddog: LOL
XxscrapyxX: whoa balla balla
XxscrapyxX: i bet you have a gang too?
SK8erMaddog: oh yah
SK8erMaddog: dude ure a dumbass
SK8erMaddog: Im white, gimme a break
SK8erMaddog: do I like look like the dumbass you see in the mirror everyday?
SK8erMaddog: and for your info those were all diff names for the same drug
XxscrapyxX: hahah! just go die somewhere...please
SK8erMaddog: alright right after the age of 75
SK8erMaddog: bye, u fuckin gay ass piece of shit
XxscrapyxX: lol you are so awesome
XxscrapyxX: go to the chat room please
SK8erMaddog: so how long am I gonna be entertaining the clan of pack me in the fuckin ass brothers for?
XxscrapyxX: not long cuz im about to go to bed
XxscrapyxX: ;-)


Quote of the MONTH

Figured I would have this here jus in case I come across a really
really stupid moron.. which will happen im sure.

An actual quote from against the great EyEDeA

05-13-2003 10:15 PM by SilverPoet a member since March 2003

Now you're being racist againts gays and bis?

05-13-2003 10:16 PM by SilverPoet a member since March 2003

LoL, you said you don't accept homos. That implies that you are racist against them


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