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Jay - Vocals___________ Mitch - Guitar_________ Derek - Bass________ Mike - Drums

Read Don't touch me! Listen


June 16, 2003
  • Sound clips for the last two songs on the demo, 'Buried' and 'Burden', have been added. Now that you've downloaded all the clips, be sure to support Evolution of Innocence by purchasing a copy of their demo; just e-mail the band for more information. They will likely be playing some live shows soon, and I will post them here when the dates become available. Keep on keepin' on.........

    June 12, 2003
  • Two more mp3 clips for the song 'On the Rise' have been added to the 'Rebirth' download section. Go check them out!
  • June 10, 2003
  • Today, for your listening pleasure, I have added two mp3 clips both from the song 'Tolerate'. To access these clips, click on the button to the right of the e-mail dude or click here. I have also included the album cover and track list for "Rebirth" in this section. More clips to come so visit frequently!!!!!!
  • May 29, 2003
  • Well, well, well......finally an update! I have added a new biography pertaining to our lads in Evolution of Innocence. Click here or on the button to the left of the e-mail dude, to read it and learn where these guys are coming from and where they plan on going. If you haven't picked up the demo yet, then stop being a cheapskate and buy it. Just e-mail the band or harass one of the members next time you see them. They are ready and willing to be heard by the masses of metalheads!!!!!!!! Within the next couple weeks, I will be adding sound clips of the tracks that appear on the demo for yer free listening pleasure. Finally, a few weeks back, the band played in Windsor, ON at a house party. The place was fuggin' rocking, everyone there was getting into it, and the night ended with a visit from the cops. Why am I telling you this? This display of greatness was videotaped and I'm working on getting a copy of it which may eventually make its way to this website. That's all for now freaks. Keep on keepin' on............
  • April 24, 2003
  • Welcome to Evolution of Innocence's official website!! This site is still obviously under construction and I will try to update it frequently with info provided to me directly from the band. Who knows, maybe some day they'll be huge and actually be able to pay for a real website. Anyhow, the band recently produced a four song demo titled 'Rebirth' with Shane Phillips at Sugar Hill Productions (Fergus, ON) that is currently in circulation. To get yer hands on a copy of this great demo, e-mail the band at Jay has assured me that they will be playing some live shows in the coming months. Check back regularily for info pertaining to this. Keep on keepin' on............


  • Webmasterbater: Oscar