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Surf Report - April 21, 2003 & Forecast

WaveCast.WetSand Surf Report and Forecast
Date: Sun. Apr. 20, 2003
Time: 9:00 AM
Know "WHEN" With WaveCast


wetsand.com sez - (my comments in bold italics):


Today (Sunday) is the smallest surf day we’ll be seeing for a while.

Jeezzzzz - I hope so!

Right now the California Buoy is at 12 feet and rising. Bodega Bay buoy is at 7 feet. Port San Luis buoy is at 5 feet.

In SoCal west-facing breaks are doing best with waist to chest high surf, south facing breaks are smaller.

Above explains the crap at WindanSea, and the improvement at O-Side pier yesterday - the 20th -

Northern California is seeing 3-5 foot surf at west/NW exposed breaks. South facing breaks are running 2-3 feet.

W/NW periods are averaging 11 seconds from 310 degrees, and SSW is running 13 seconds from 180 degrees.

Water temps are averaging 60 degrees in SD, 57 in OC, 57 in LA County, 57 in Ventura, 55 along Santa Barbara's South coast, 52 along the Central Coast, and 51 in NCal waters.

Monday SW and NW roll in...


EREHWON - this morning - April 21, 2003 -


What I say:

Shoulda probably stayed at Erehwon this morning - but the wind flag looked okay at 5:15 AM

Went to WindanSea, and was greeted with a nice south wind - growing - south wind.

Got a couple of waves before the hurricane started.

Surfed with Gordie and Felipe -



The link to more of my surf reports is:    Surfing With BA

The link to my latest "BS Page" is:  BA's BS Page


© 2003 bill andrews and adaywithba.com - All rights reserved, and I reserve the right to be stupid.


Opps Forgot Some Stuff:

Thought I'd better add some disclaimers:

* All of the tales I'm spinning are based upon facts of some sort.
* Most of the tales will be at least 50% factual.

I'm doing this web thing for a few reasons, and it is, and will be, "a work in progress" for a while:

1. It's an easy way for me to organize my "autobiography" so my kids will know a bit more about me.
2. I find this computer and internet stuff fascinating.
3. I was lucky to be able to start surfing - at least in my opinion - in the "Golden Age" of surfing - I do have some yarns to spin regarding those times.
4. This is an efficient way for some of the old guys to touch bases again - I've received a few e-mails from old (err, long-time) friends I've haven't seen in forty years or so - I think that's way cool.
5. I'm still surfing almost every day - and, at least in my opinion - that's a pretty "boss" thing to write about.
6. I think it will be nice, in a couple of years, to maybe look back at how good - or bad - the surf was in any given stretch of time.


© 2003 bill andrews and adaywithba.com - All rights reserved, and I reserve the right to be stupid.