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Surf Report - April 12, 2003



(My favorite surf spot...ever)

Surfshot.com Comments - (My comments in bold italics):

Decent formation.

It NEVER - EVER gets worse than "Decent Formation" here at Tourmaline

Nice long left coming in front of the parking lot and breaking all way to the beach.

Black's never breaks all the way to the beach - ever!

Slight texture in the water.

The wind is always offshore here.

A little sectioning but very fun longboard rides.

It's a little know fact that most of the best surfers in Hawaii have their roots at Tourmo. Tourmo is the place to practice for The Pipe, Sunset Beach and Back Door.

It would surprise most of you that The Tourmo Tow-In Crew were the best last season at Todos Santos and Mavs.

When I first met Laird's father - Billy Hamilton - back in the mid sixties, Billy and his bud Juan Shelton would beg me to take them to Tourmo - but I was always wayyy to scared to take them to Tourmo!

Wave size: Knee High

Set size: Waist High

Set Interval: 5 min

Surfers Out: 25 guys out

I can guarantee you, that these 25 rippers are hot. When they want to have a little fun, and come to WindanSea, we get out of the water to watch these guys shred.

Wind: Calm wind

Weather: Partly cloudy skies


Tourmaline -my fav - this morning - April 12, 2003 -


What I say:

It's real simple!

I was so stoked the surfshot guys were at Tourmo, that all I could do was watch the action!

No surfing for me today - waaaa - but the rippers ripped!



The link to more of my surf reports is:    Surfing With BA

The link to my latest "BS Page" is:  BA's BS Page


© 2003 bill andrews and adaywithba.com - All rights reserved, and I reserve the right to be stupid.


Opps Forgot Some Stuff:

Thought I'd better add some disclaimers:

* All of the tales I'm spinning are based upon facts of some sort.
* Most of the tales will be at least 50% factual.

I'm doing this web thing for a few reasons, and it is, and will be, "a work in progress" for a while:

1. It's an easy way for me to organize my "autobiography" so my kids will know a bit more about me.
2. I find this computer and internet stuff fascinating.
3. I was lucky to be able to start surfing - at least in my opinion - in the "Golden Age" of surfing - I do have some yarns to spin regarding those times.
4. This is an efficient way for some of the old guys to touch bases again - I've received a few e-mails from old (err, long-time) friends I've haven't seen in forty years or so - I think that's way cool.
5. I'm still surfing almost every day - and, at least in my opinion - that's a pretty "boss" thing to write about.
6. I think it will be nice, in a couple of years, to maybe look back at how good - or bad - the surf was in any given stretch of time.


© 2003 bill andrews and adaywithba.com - All rights reserved, and I reserve the right to be stupid.