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June 8, 2004 - Update: Memorial Day Stingray Count - 60 -

Memorial Day at The Shores - stingray-ed surfers and swimmers = 60!

Here's a photo of my friend's foot

He's working on a great case of staph -

[BA sez:   "Dude P**l - go to the doc!"]

Here's what P**l had to say about the experience:

This is why I like surfing at Shores, at least with the early morning crew.
Tuesday morning I got zapped by a stingray, without a doubt the worst, and longest lasting, pain I have ever known.
I could hardly get to my car, definitely approached my pain threshold.
This guy hears my whimpering and comes over to help me out.
This guy, his name is Louie, has a five gallon jug of warm water to soak my foot and gives me a couple of Advil.
If this had happened at Turmo or OB the locals there would have taken advantage and stripped my car.
See ya."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I had a very interesting surfing experience yesterday morning - just kinda made me think about the fine line between life and death -


Enough of that!

Great surf over the weekend and into today -

The swell switched from south to north yesterday -

North wind swell - south wind - I wonder where it was good today?

Photos from the WindanSea Surf Club's "open" meeting include:

The Surfing gore-may- Roper's ding repair and food service

The winner [at least in my opinion] of the "Super Heat" Sebi Becerra

Meeting, 5 June 04 photos.




Friends of Wind**Sea - Beginning - Let's get the party started!

Friends of Wind**Sea 1 - Memorial Day '04 - by BA

Friends of Wind**Sea 2 - Memorial Day '04 - by BA

Friends of Wind**Sea 3 - Memorial Day '04 - by BA

Friends of Wind**Sea - Memorial Day '04 - how MY day started - Way Good -  Yeah baby!

Friend of Wind**Sea - Memorial Day '04 - how Jay's day started - Way Bad - No baby!

Groms in the shorebreak - Colorado River - Memorial Day '04 - by BA

Peter King's photos of Friends of Wind**Sea - Memorial Day '04

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