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A Few Notable Parties?

1968 Famous Party or should it be more appropriately named - the Infamous Party of '68?
Friends of WindanSea, Memorial Day 2004
Friends of Wind**Sea - Memorial Day '04 - by BA The Start

Friends of Wind**Sea 1 - Memorial Day '04 - by BA 1

Friends of Wind**Sea 2 - Memorial Day '04 - by BA 2

Friends of Wind**Sea 3 - Memorial Day '04 - by BA 3

Friends of Wind**Sea - Memorial Day '04 - how MY day started - Way Good -  Yeah baby!

Friend of Wind**Sea - Memorial Day '04 - how Jay's day started - Way Bad - No baby!

Groms in the shorebreak - Colorado River - Memorial Day '04 - by BA

Peter King's photos of Friends of Wind**Sea - Memorial Day '04

WindanSea Club Parties, err Meetings
Meeting 5 June 04
2003 Party

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