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Human Growth Hormone

21st Century Fountain of Youth

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Q: What makes UltraMax HGH® so effective?
® is a doctor-formulated nutritional supplement that increases the body’s production and release of the body’s fountain of youth hormone–Human Growth Hormone–also known as HGH. UltraMAX HGH® is the most comprehensive formula on the market today. It has every nutrient ever tested and clinically proven to increase the body’s own production of HGH in it, all synergistically combined to give you the results you demand in your anti-aging regime. It is an all natural product and therefore can be used safely and effectively to literally de-age the human body by increasing the body’s own stores of HGH.

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Q: What is Human Growth Hormone?
A: Human Growth Hormone, or HGH, is one of the most important hormones in your body, often called the ‘Master Hormone’ of the human body.The pituitary gland in your brain produces the hormone and releases in response to hypothalamic pulses of the growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH). After the age of 20 years old, the hormone release decreases. Stress and toxins in our environment today have caused the decrease to occur at an even faster rate. Once the body hits age 30 most people start to notice an increase in the aging of the body; one of the leading factors involved in this increase in the aging process is the decline of the production of Human Growth Hormone. Studies indicate that your body produces about 15% less of the hormone with each successive decade. The older you get the less your body produces and releases of the hormone, and thus you start to notice that you look and feel older. Luckily by supplementing with UltraMAX HGH® there is now something you can do about this.

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Q: How does Human Growth Hormone work in my body?
A: All of the systems in your body are stimulated by Human Growth Hormone. The hormone increases your metabolism helping to break down fat, build proteins, and create lean muscle. Because it affects almost all of the different systems of the body, it is the hormone often referred to as the "fountain of youth hormone" due to it’s youth-promoting benefits. Consider it the body’s ‘master hormone.’ It is not gender-specific; meaning it appears in the same amounts in both men and women. And starts decline at the same time as well.

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Q: How long has Human Growth Hormone been tested with people?
Human Growth Hormone has been studied and tested on people for over forty years. In 1998 the National Institute of Aging completed an extensive clinical study. From this study the results have been described as "too good to be true", and "miraculous" by the medical communities around the world. That is why HGH has received so much press the last few years.

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Q: Has the FDA approved Human Growth Hormone?
A: The FDA has approved the injectable Human Growth Hormone for growth deficiency in children and for anti-aging therapies in adults. UltraMax HGH® is a dietary supplement that can achieve the same anti-aging benefits to the body, but does it naturally.

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Q: What is UltraMax HGH®? Does it contain Human Growth Hormone?
A: UltraMax HGH® is a stimulator/releaser, also known as a ‘secretagogue’, of your body’s own natural production of Human Growth Hormone. This product was developed as a natural alternative to give the same results as you would receive if you were to take Human Growth Hormone in the injectable form. The ingredients in UltraMAX HGH® are 100% natural. There are no drugs in the product. There are no synthetic ingredients or chemicals in the product either. It is composed of a combination of amino acids such as L-Arginine, Anterior Pituitary Peptides, and herbs such as Broadbean, which is a very rare and expensive herb from the Amazonian Rain Forests that go into the body and stimulate the body’s own natural production of Human Growth Hormone.

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Q: What form is the UltraMax HGH® in? Capsules? Pills? Liquid?
UltraMAX HGH® is in an effervescent powder. You mix it with water or juice or even club soda. The special effervescent formula gets very fizzy and makes a delicious tasting all-natural orange flavored drink. It is the special effervescence that gives this formula its power to effectively bypass the stomach acids in order to get the nutrients directly into the bloodstream, so the product goes to work for you immediately.

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Q: What benefits can I expect from taking UltraMAX HGH® ?
A: Because everyone’s body chemistry is a little different, people’s results will vary depending on several different factors such as age, frequency of exercise, and diet. But as has been shown in numerous controlled studies over the last twenty years, increasing the body’s supply of Human Growth Hormone will normally yield the following results:

  • Restored muscle mass
  • Decreased body Fat
  • Thickened skin
  • Reduced wrinkles
  • Renewed hair growth
  • Restored hair color
  • Increased energy
  • Increased sexual function
  • Improved cholesterol profile
  • Restored organ size
  • Improved vision
  • Elevated mood
  • Improved sleep
  • Improved memory
  • Normalized blood pressure
  • Increased cardiac output
  • Increased stamina
  • Improved immune function

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Q: How long will it be before I begin to notice results?
Each person has a different physiology therefore the time for each individual may vary. In general, benefits will become apparent within one to two weeks of taking the product. The benefits that are most apparent within this time are improved sense of well being, increased energy levels, and better sleep patterns. Between the first and second month other results will be noticed. These results include fat loss, tighter firmer skin, restore of hair loss, and improvement of muscle tone. In time your body will repair itself; but remember, the aging process is slow and gradual and so is the reversal of most aging factors. THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU CAN DO TO REVERSE AGING IN THE HUMAN BODY IS START TAKING UltraMAX HGH® BEFORE THE AGING PROCESS BEGINS TO AFFECT THE BODY. For most individuals, this is somewhere between the ages of 30 and 35 years old.

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Q: How can I tell if I suffer from HGH deficiency?
A: Adults experience reduced lean muscle mass, increased body fat, difficulty losing weight, elevated LDL cholesterol (bad), Osteopenia (bone loss in older age), decrease in size of organs, decrease in nail and hair growth, thin skin, reduced energy, emotional instability, reduced sex drive, difficulty in sleep. The list goes on and on. These are all what are commonly referred to as ‘aging factors.’

Chances are, if you are over the age of 30 then you have begun to notice one or more of these ‘aging factors’ to show up in your world–either mentally, physically, or both. This is what we normally refer to as aging, or ‘getting older.’ The good news is that although getting older is unavoidable, that does not mean that ‘aging’ is. By supplementing with UltraMAX HGH® you may begin to see miraculous reversals of many of these aging factors associated with ‘getting older’ within 3 months of using the product.

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Q: Why should I choose to take UltraMAX HGH® rather than receive the injections from my doctor?
A: The HGH in the injectable form that you can receive from your doctor actually contains very high levels of synthetic human growth hormone. This is an invasive, very unnatural therapy. Studies have shown that the injections cause side effects such as joint pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and may promote cancer growth, as well as contribute to increased fluid retention. UltraMAX HGH® does not contain any levels of growth hormone. Instead Anterior Pituitary Peptides and Amino Acids in the UltraMAX HGH® act as stimulators to your body’s pituitary gland causing your pituitary to produce your own Growth Hormone. Unlike the injections, UltraMAX HGH® has no risks of side effects. The effects that you experience are only positive.

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Q: What is the best time of day to take UltraMAX HGH®?
A: The recommended time of day to take the UltraMAX HGH® powder is in the evening. Anywhere from two to four hours after eating is sufficient. The night consumption is advised because your body secretes the most Human Growth Hormone when you are sleeping. UltraMAX HGH® stimulates your body to send messengers to your pituitary gland to begin producing your own Human Growth Hormone. Therefore, to receive maximum benefits it is recommended that UltraMAX HGH® be consumed at night as close to an empty stomach as possible.

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Q: At what age is UltraMAX HGH® most beneficial?
The ages that most benefit from taking HGH are from the age of thirty and older because your body’s hormone production begins to decrease in your twenties. Many people younger do take HGH for the benefits of an increase in lean muscle mass or to help them with chronic illnesses such as depression or low thyroid or immuno-supression diseases. But for anyone over the age of thirty who is interested in anti-aging this product is a must at least one 3-month program per year.

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Q: Are there any side effects associated with taking UltraMAX HGH® ?
No. UltraMAX HGH® is made from all natural ingredients. There are no drugs or synthetic ingredients added to this product. Very few side effects have ever been reported in over eight years of study. On occasion, approximately 1 to 3% of customers will report mild headaches when using the product. These side effects usually occur from the body’s initial surprise from having increased HGH levels after so long with low levels. Any customer receiving this side effect can get it to subside by reducing their dosage to half for the first week or two until their body gets used to higher levels again.

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Q: What medications are contra-indicated with the use of this product?
A: There are no counteracting drugs or medications associated with UltraMAX HGH® although people with hyper-thyroid disease should consult their doctors before taking any HGH products. UltraMAX HGH® is very effective at increasing gland efficiency and increasing hormone production in the body, so anyone with an overactive gland such as hyperthyroidism should only use this kind of product under a doctor’s supervision.

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Q: Are there any changes that I should make to my daily lifestyle when taking UltraMAX HGH® ?
Changes that can be made to your daily lifestyle to receive maximum benefits from UltraMAX HGH® are to participate in regular exercise and to practice a healthy and conscious diet. Taking a multivitamin and antioxidants daily are also recommended. For more anti-aging tips see the YOUTHING section of this web site. Any kind of weight-bearing or weight-resistance exercise, as in weight lifting even with small weights can greatly increase HGH production in the body. And thus this is why individuals who do this kind of exercise regularly look so young and healthy.

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Q: What is the recommended cycle for taking this product?
UltraMAX HGH® stimulates the pituitary gland to produce HGH, increasing the body’s levels and producing the remarkable results. Taking this product for three-month cycles will bring the level of HGH up causing the level to stay at this increased level when off of the product for a period three to six months, depending on your age group. People that are in the age group from 30 to 40 may not need to take the product more than three months out of the year, and then rest for nine months. People between the ages of 40 to 60 will usually go to two cycles per year: 3 months on the product, 6 months off, 3 months on, 6 months off. Anyone over the age of 60 will usually get the best results from taking the product in 3 month on, 3 month off, 3 month on cycles, because once someone enters their 60’s their production of Human Growth Hormone does slow down. Once a patient gets to their 80’s there is usually no harm in keeping the patient on UltraMAX HGH® every month because by that age the body’s production of the hormone has decreased significantly.

Q: Why should I cycle with this product three to four months on and two to nine months off? Why is this cycle recommended?
A: There are two primary reasons for cycling with UltraMAX HGH® Cycling with nutrients has been used by the bodybuilding community for years because it is known that when a nutrient is used in the body for a significant amount of time the body does tend to develop a "tolerance" to it. This happens with most drugs and synthetic chemicals as well. Another term for this phenomena is ‘receptor site burnout,’ where the receptor sites that accept the nutrient in the body start to not respond as readily as they once did. So the key to really maximizing benefits is to trick the body to continually derive benefits from the product by thinking it is new in the body. The body and its response mechanisms thrive on variety.

The other primary reason for cycling with UltraMAX HGH® is that once you get your body’s levels of HGH up to proper levels again, your body will automatically start to follow suit. Your body will begin to immediately repair itself and ‘de-age.’ This effect can last from anywhere between three to six months after cycling off the product.

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Q: Do I have to stop taking the product for a few months as recommended or can I stay on it indefinitely?
This is a very common question. Most people feel so good once they start to take UltraMAX HGH® that they are afraid to stop taking it. They don't want to lose the positive benefits they have received. The answer is, you don't have to stay on the product indefinitely. But it wont hurt you if you do. Many people will take the product for four or five months straight and then go off of it for a month or two. And then start up again. It is perfectly safe to do so. You will know what is best for you by how you look and feel.

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Q: Why is UltraMAX HGH® so inexpensive when it has so many miraculous benefits?
It is true that compared to human growth hormone injections, which can run between $1000 to $1800 per month, UltraMAX HGH® is rather inexpensive. with all the benefits that increasing your levels of human growth hormone are associated with, one would think that a product like this would carry a much a higher price tag. But there simply isn't any reason for the product to cost anymore than it does. You receive remarkable anti-aging benefits at a cost that is affordable and very worth every penny.

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Q: What about the other products on the market that say they do the same things?
First off, if they are in pill or capsule form, forget it. Don't waste your time or your money. There is simply too much evidence demonstrating that the absorption rate of these products is too low to be of any real benefit to the individual taking them. The body will only absorb 5% to 10% of the nutrients in pill or capsule form. So you would have to take hundreds of these pills or capsules a day to gain any real benefits from taking them. That is why the effervescent powder is so essential in the formulation of UltraMAX HGH®. It is the effervescence that carries the nutrients past the stomach acids so the product is able to be absorbed into the bloodstream.

If the products are in spray form or liquid dropper form then they are probably a different product entirely. There has been a tendency in the last few years for companies to put out "homeopathic HGH" preparations which function very differently than HGH stimulators or secretagogues. Homeopathic HGH liquids purport to replace your body’s declining HGH with a synthetic Growth Hormone, as compared to UltraMAX HGH®, which goes into the body to help the body produce and release its own natural human growth hormone naturally. The Ageless Foundation considers this the safest and most natural way to achieve your anti-aging goals. Please see the next question pertaining to homeopathic formulas.

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Q: What about all these homeopathic HGH products that I have been seeing around lately?
A: There certainly have been many so-called "homeopathic HGH" formulas come on the market in the last six months. Currently these products are not recommended by leading longevity doctors because there is just no evidence to prove that they will have any effect on the individual taking them at all. In fact all evidence shows that they can't work. And here’s why. Number one, using the term "homeopathic" in the case of these liquids is completely misleading. They are not listed in the Pharmacopeia, which is the Homeopathic Practitioner’s bible of Remedies all over the world. Not one of them is listed. And the reason is because they simply aren't homeopathic in any way. What they are for the most part is alcohol.

Human Growth Hormone cannot be put into an oral product. When taken orally the hormone is destroyed in the digestive tract immediately. If this hormone were to be digested, there are no studies proving that HGH is bio-available in an oral form. Not one study exists in collective scientific literature around the globe that shows that an oral spray or liquid or HGH in any oral form can even be absorbed or utilized by the body, let alone cause any benefits to the subject taking it. In fact, countless studies that have been done have proven over the last twenty years that oral delivery of HGH simply does not and cannot work.

Here is another very important fact. Human Growth Hormone, or HGH, is illegal to sell in the United States of America without a doctor’s prescription. It only comes in one approved form–injections. Here is the actual quote from the FDA ruling. It states:

Section 303 of the "Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act" states under paragraph E section 2:

"Whoever knowingly distributes, or possesses, with the intent to distribute, Human Growth Hormone for any use in humans other than the treatment of a disease or other recognized medical condition, as prescribed by a doctor, where such use has been authorized by the Secretary of Health and Human services under section 505 and pursuant to the order of a physician, is guilty of an offense punishable by not more than 5 years in prison, such fines as are authorized by the title 18, United Stated Code, or both."

So one of two things is happening when a company tries to sell you liquid, spray, or homeopathic HGH. Either there really is HGH in their product and they are just blatantly breaking the law by selling it, trying to make a fast buck–if this is the case one would have to be very cautious as to how they are obtaining this highly volatile, synthetic ingredient. The other option is that there is no HGH in the product and therefore no active ingredients at all. If this is the case then you're just wasting your money. Does the phrase snake-oil sound familiar? Most professionals agree that these kind of products will be pulled off the shelves by the FDA at any time. Don't waste your time or money.

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Q: Should I stop taking my other vitamins and supplements while I am taking UltraMAX HGH®?
Absolutely not. UltraMAX HGH® increases your body’s levels of Human Growth Hormone. This is how you receive so many fantastic benefits. But remember HGH is not an anti-oxidant for example, so it will not fight free-radicals like say vitamins A, C, or E do. So if you can afford to stay on the other supplements you are currently taking, then by all means do.

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Q: Why is UltraMAX HGH® the most popular Human Growth Hormone supplement on the market today?
A: UltraMAX HGH®
is an all-natural product that works. Today more and more people are realizing the importance of supplementation and what a tremendously positive impact it can have on their lives. With today's advancing technology in anti-aging medical research, there is simply no excuse not to do your best to look and feel as good as you can for as long as you can. There is tons of research pouring in from countries all over the world about the amazing results people obtain from using UltraMAX HGH® . It is the most advanced Human Growth Hormone supplement on the market today. It really makes a noticeable difference in peoples lives. This is the reason why this product is so popular.

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Q: I exercise. I eat right and take my vitamins. Why is it so important to supplement with UltraMAX HGH®?
The answer is simple. As we get older our levels of Human Growth Hormone decline. We can do everything right but still wonder why we continue to experience slow degradation of the mind and body. Over the last twenty years research has shown how essential it is to maintain optimum levels of HGH in the body to avoid this process known as aging. Taking UltraMAX HGH® has been described by some as similar to taking a ‘fountain of youth pill’ due to the amazing results they receive. Along with exercise and antioxidants, it is the single most important thing a person can do to combat the physical effects of the aging process.


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Information on this site is provided for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. You should read carefully all product packaging. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider. Statements regarding UltraMAX HGH® have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.