Alpha Lambda Delta National Freshmen Honor Society

University of California, Riverside                 


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 What is ALD?
Calendar of Events
Community Service
Members in Action

Welcome to Alpha Lambda Delta - UC Riverside Chapter! This website is new so let us know what you think. Thanks or sign our NEW Guestbook!

News and Events

March 8, 2003 Tree Planting

Ice Cream Feed/Relaxer!

Where? Pentland Foxhole

When? June 2, 5:30

What? Ice Cream sundaes and socializing with fellow ALDers....come satisfy your pallet with a sweet surprise! 


Change in Events!!

Hello Everyone,

I just learned that the dates for the social events that are happening adjacent to the Bell Tower next week are changed.

The competitive games that are happening from 12:00-1:00 at the Bell Tower are ONLY on Wednesday and Thursday.  I am sincerely sorry for the misinformation.  Some of you have asked me what types of games there will be.  I was told that they would be similar to three-legged races, potato sack races and along those lines.  They wouldn't tell me specifically what games they are planning.

Also, there is going to be a Party from about 7:00-9:30PM on Friday at the Common's Cafe.  There's a Mock tail (Virgin Cocktail) contest amongst the different organizations.  If you would like to help out and represent ALD, let me know.

 There will be a DJ, and other people from different organizations on Friday night.  There is a cover cost of $5.00 per person, but this is where ALL the money will come from to further the research of Alzheimer's disease.  So if you're around on Friday, then come.  It'll be FUN!!!

If you can make it to either of these days, that would be great!  Remember, you all joined this organization under your own will, why not make the most out of it.  You each took a step in joining; now take another in getting involved.

If I can help it, I'm going to try to mold this group into a cohesive unit. But in order for this to happen, I need you guys to be active members.  I'm trying to organize other social activities that relate to the advancement of children's education.  I've talked to some of you before, and it seemed like you all wanted ALD to become more active.  This is what I'm trying to do, but again, the livelihood of this organization relies on its members.

Get involved now, and later will be that much easier. 

If you have any questions? at all with regards to anything, please feel free to ask.  My cell number is: 310-308-3125 or shoot me an email at or at   (I prefer the first address)

Sorry for the inaccurate information.  I hope you're all having a great weekend.  And I hope I'll see you Wed/Thur at the Bell tower and Fri night at the Commons Café鮼/FONT>

Oh, one more thing: They are also having a contest for the best pickup line.  If you have any good ones, then send them to me ASAP; I need them before Monday Afternoon.  Thanks guys.

Mark Rollins


City walk Cancelled!

We won't be able to go out to City Walk tomorrow!!
I'm so sorry!  BUT we have oh so much more events the week long nooner event, mocktails, and the beach trip!!

Have a great weekend.  Sorry if you had your hopes you can study =)

Valerie Cacho
2002-2003 ALD President


Upcoming Events!

Hello ALD members!!

How are you??  Did you have a good week?  Or was it long...hard...and boring??  Well do we have the cure for you!!! EVENTS GALORE =)

-----This Saturday....and only this Saturday ALD will be going to Universal Studios Citywalk.  For those of you who haven't been there City walk is right outside of Universal Studios Hollywood.  There are shops and restaurants and movies and entertaining people.  It's a fun place to go after being cooped up in Riverside for a whole week! 

We plan to leave on Saturday afternoon 2PM.  Meet in lot 24, the lot beside the Police Station.  We need drivers as well. Please RSVP and tell us that you can attend.  (if you can come that is)

***Also mark your calendars for next week Monday-Friday 12-1***  Meet by the bell tower to engage in fun games against other organizations for Sigma Kappa's Philanthropic Events to raise money for Alzheimer's Research.
Points will be accumulated for each organization.

Friday night, May 2, will be the main event. 
MOCKTAILS....a virgin mix drink competition between other organizations as well.  We'll come up with our own secret blend and hopefully take home a prize!  It will be held on campus at the International Lounge, near commons starting at 7PM.  There'll be a DJ as well.
Bring $5 for entrance will go towards the Alzheimer Research!

***Saturday May 3 is Mayor's Day***  We'll need help informing people about ALD.  Event will be held on campus.  More details will follow...

Sunday, May 18 is our BEACH TRIP!!***  =) Ready for some fun in the sun!  Meet at lot 24 9AM.  Drinks and snacks will be provided.  Bring your own lunch. 


applications are available in our box #131 in Student Life and Leadership

all positions are open!

please attend an officer meeting to understand what we do.  they are held Thursdays 8PM, in the Lower Level Meeting Room II, in Costo Hall

Applications are due Monday May 12.

Elections will be held Thursday, May 15 in the Lower Level Meeting Room at 8PM. 

Please plan to attend and vote or run for yourself and friends!

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to let us know. 

Please RSVP, if you can me it to any of these events.  We plan the events for you, and really hope you can make it out to meet us and your other members as well.

*CITYWALK is this Saturday so RSVP today!

Have a wonderful day!!

Valerie Cacho
2002-2003 ALD President
UC Riverside Chapter

Teambuilding Lab-Outdoor Excursions

Grade Release Forms

Grade release forms are in the Student Life and Leadership Center and must be turned in by April 30th in the ALD mailbox.

Website Update...

(posted 3/03/03) Sorry guys for the mishaps and inconveniences with the website. I've been having some technical difficulty with our server. I created a new website because tripod was giving some trouble, but I'm still working on tripod. So if in doubt of which website to check, check both. or Hopefully I can get both to work and then use only one URL. Sorry again... I have a website committee if you want to help me out or just learn more about websites. Just let me know. Thanks!


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                  Check out some of our past news and events!

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Last modified: 02/17/03