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In Honor Of Prissy

Today's Date -
Welcome to my first homepage.I am doing this page because,I recently lost my sweet baby girl,Prissy. Some one had poisoned her.I went outside on Saturday March 4,2000 to call her in for the night,I called and called but she never came.I took the flash light and went to look for her,but did not see her any where. About 5 minutes later my husband went out (he said something just told him to go look) and in 2 minutes he was back inside telling me that he had found her.She was laying in the back yard under a tree,just laying there like she had laid down and went to sleep.Well needless to say I was in shock,I had her from the time she was 6wks old and raised her.What's even worse is that her birthday was March 9,she was 2yrs old.We have had at least 13-14 dogs found that way in the last month,(the most of them in my neighborhood).And we still do not know who is doing it or why.When they took my Prissy from me,they took a part of me too.She was like one of my children and and they took a part of my world from me.So I am making this page in hopes that I can make people aware of the dangers out there for our pets,and to please keep an eye on them.I have started a message board on my site,so anyone that wants to,can share some happy times they've had with their beloved pets.There are message boards for us to go to when we loose a furbaby,and it is great to have someone to talk to.But I would like to have one to where we can share our happy times with our furbabies.So please every one feel free to share your memories.And remember our furbabies are waiting for us at the Rainbow Bridge.And one day we will be able to hold them forever.I also have the chat room here and everyone is invited to join.If anyone ever needs to talk one-on-one,please e-mail me and let me know when,and I will be more than happy to join you in the chat room.Thanks again for visiting my Prissy.Please sign my guest book.And go to the "Happy Memories.

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This Animal Site Ring site owned by Sherree Barrette .

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My Favorite Web Sites

The best place to go if you've lost a furbaby
Another good place for pet loss
Pet Loss message board
A site to post tributes
My other site for Prissy
Rainbows Bridge Chat Room
Pet Loss Chat Room
