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Single Acts of Kindness

A Very Long Time Ago a land far away, there lived a beggar,
who was searching for someone
to give her but one drink
to quench her thirsty soul
that she might go on.

One day she met a man
who dipped his cup into his well
and held her trembling chin
as she warily drank.

She was so very grateful
for this single act of kindness
from a passing stranger.

How was she to know
that each day he would return
and again dip his cup into his well
and quench her thirsty soul and lips.

...or that he would honor her differences,
show great respect for her boundaries
guide her gently to becoming a quieter spirit
encourage her to explore her innermost self
or just be there when she cried out in the night.
that he would laugh with her, cry with her,
change with her, grow with her
and hold her while she learned how to dance.

and that someday, his name,
TrueOne, would be carved by her hand,
not to change,
but to renew the pages of his heart
and reflect the light of his being
in that old oak tree
by the river of time
where love never dies.

Colors of the Heart

When I was a child I lusted for the 64 pack of Crayola's. I needed all the colors. Or thought I did. As an adult, I explored painting and drawing. That experience taught me that more color is not what produces the image.

The colors of the heart are different though. Red is important. Black is serious. Green is safe. Yellow is possibility. White is purity. Blue is serenity. and on and on. We do assign meaning to colors and to their combinations. So when there is no color? It just signals there is no meaning. The colors are always there awaiting you to summon them. No one else can package them and hand them to you in a box.

All I have are little connections. Lending emotions which people really need and respond to -- but it is real. There's an ocean of people out there who are so hungry. Most of them are suffocatingly married. But safe. People envy me, but they do not know how to be alone, cannot pay the price for it. Yet I give more and live more now than I ever could when I was married. I am free!

Freedom has all the colors of life in its spectrum. Like a kaleidoscope. But meaning? No, nothing has meaning in life. Only the will makes it so. Meaning is the light that shines through all the colors of freedom and love is the motion that makes the colors dance. The meaning you lend to others as you look into their eyes or touch their hands or listen to what they are trying to say. YOU are that meaning! At the very moment of their need.

Only people who do not show their need can miss out on life. Or those who are too selective (have not freedom) and fail to see the beauty of life all around them and their place in it.

Don't be flat. Please? You are just dormant for a while. Don't try to force it. But when you are ready...

Color my world.<> As you did before. As you will again.


See Your Own Beauty! As I Do!

If you like the images on this page, please visit Fred Casselman's outstanding gallery at Earth Echo Galleries

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