Elisa writes in green,
Alex Destine writes in HotPink,
Heather N. Allen (~H\A~) writes in yellow,
Caliope writes in Plum.

You may continue...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alex´s Dream Time ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
*we all stare as Elisa is being taken away toward the Hospital by Announcer 2.0*
Alex: Come back to us soon Elisa!!! *waves*
Heather: Oh dear dear Elisa... I knew her well... She was a kind soul.
Alex: She´s not dead yet Heather...
Heather: oooh... *both girls stop bickering over Elisa´s living status and stare at the now growing
Caliopegoyle* Heather: oh GREAT!
*Caliopegoyle grows into great proportions until she has reached the usual gigantic sieze*
*both girls stare expecting the most horrofing scream from her only to be surprised by a...*
Heather: she´s crying?!?!?!?
Alex: what the...? ….ooh, now I get it... her body grew but not her brain.... she has the mind of a baby now...
(or maybe she did before and we just hadn´t notice :P)
*both girls cover their ears as the unearthly screams of baby Caligoyle make the earth tremble*
Alex: now what???
Heather: what do ya do when a baby cries!... u give them a bottle!!
Alex: where the heck are we gonna find a bottle THAT sieze?!?!
*both girls stare at the ordinary monkey*
Alex: hey you... YEAH YOU! Ordianry monkey... find us a giant sieze bottle!
*monkey nods eagerly*
*Heather stares blankly* why am i not sirprised....
*monkey comes back w/ a giant ordinary bottle*
Alex: thank ordinary monkey!
Heather: *looks around* WHERE HE FIND THAT?!?!?!!
*both girls grab the bottle and go near the crying baby Caligoyle*
Alex: Heather, we need to sing to it!
H\A: why?
Alex: so it´ll calm down and let us near it!
H\A: she´s an IT now?
Alex: wasn´t it always......?
*both girls nod* *monkey nods eagerly* :P
*H\A starts to sing* H&A: rooooooock a byyyyyyyee baaaaabyyyyyy..... oooooonnn theeeeee treeeeee toooooopppp....
*both Alex and ordinary monkey cover their ears*
Alex: STOP! STOOOP!.... for heavens sake!! *monkey nods eagerly!*
*H\A stares blankly*
*we see baby Caligoyle calm now.... and in the bottle goes!!!*
*the girls (and ordinary monkey)start to back away until they see the flying pig*
Alex: How´d that get here???
H\A: *shrugs*
Alex: let´s call him P-chan!!!
H\A: why?
Alex: cause! he´s one of my fav characters and life is just not worth living without him!!!
H\A:...... why???
Alex: *stares* You agree w/ me, don´t u ordenary monkey? *monkey nods eagerly*
H\A: that´s not fair!!! the monkey doesn´t count!!
Alex: HEY! more respect... he´s not A monkey! He´s an ordinaty monkey! *monkey nods eagerly*
*the flying pig is now flying over ordinary monkey*
Alex: isn´t P-chan cute!!
H\A: if u say so.... *ordinary monkey tries to smack it*
Alex: stop it u ordinary monkey you!!
H\A: Go for it!!! :P
*little flying P-chan starts to fly around baby Caligoyles ear*
*everyone stops and stares as the posibility that she might wake up and start crying all over again seems too much to bear!*
*Caligoyle goes back to sleep*
*sighs of relief* *little flying P-chan comes next to Alex*
Alex: that was close P-chan!... don´t do that again....
*little flying P-chan sneeses* *baby Caligoyle wakes up*
*H\A stares at Alex*
Alex: WHAT!
H\A: she might need a diaper change...
*H\A & Alex stare at ordinary monkey*
Alex: HEY!...... where´d he go??
*ordinary monkey & P-chan are hidding from their chores*
*Announcer 1.0 (pile of mush) drags itself from a corner and starts his speech*

Announcer 1.0: mmmfff?.... mmfmmffggmgmfmfmffff?.... mmmmffffmmffff? .... stay tuned for our next RP!

Heather: what he say?
Alex: he said: "will baby Caliopegoyle stop that dreadful crying?"
"Will Caliopegoyle´s brian grow soon so that instead of a bottle she desires to destroy the world?"
"When will the ordenary monkey & P-chan decide to come out of hiding (FROM BEHIND THE TREE!!!!) and do their chores???"
*Ordenary monkey & P-chan come out from behind the tree and smack Announcer 1.0*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guess what Heather honey? your turn!!~~~~~~~~~~~~
Alex Destine

------------Okey-dokey, here we go!!-----------------
H\A: Uh, um...maybe I should sing to it again?
Alex: NOOOO!
H\A: Geez! I'm sure IT won't care if I'm tonedeaf! It's got the mentally of a 6 month old!
Alex: Well, I AM a lovely superheroine in a pretty dress who has her pretty eardrums to think about!!
*monkey nods eagerly*
Caligoyle: Caligoyle no like chit-chat! Caligoyle SMASH!
H\A: Uh oh...I think her brain grew to...
(both H\A and Alex scream in unison)AUGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
(they dodge Caligoyle's massive foot and go to the Tree, their favorite hiding spot, to find it's already taken)
Alex: Oh no! There's only room for three of us!
H\A: I don't THINK SO!! (shoves P-chan into path of Caligoyle's massive foot. P-chan is smashed)
Alex: NOOO! Poor lil' P-chan!!(Caligoyles gets bored and goes to sleep, revealing pile of P-chan mush. Pile of Announcer Mush joins him.)
A.Mush: hmmm...grbb....wmmpp....
Announcer 2.0: Whew! Sorry I'm late! Here we go...
Will Elisa survive?...
Will Caligoyle return to normal?....
H\A: Hey, pal! You're behind an entire episode!
A2.0: Well, I was taking care of the little missy who was a garg FIRST! ExCUSE me! (runs off and cries)
Alex: (sniffleing) WHY didn't you kill off the MONKEY?!
H\A: Because I LIKE the monkey!!*monkey nods eagerly*
-------Kay, Caligoyle! Try not to eat us, okay? ^_^ -------------------
Heather N. Allen

*Caligoyle is asleep*
H/A> Be very quiet you guys, we dont want to wake her up, she might be evil...
Alex> Cali's not evil!
H/A> She tried to squash us!!!
Alex>....well shes just cranky!
H/A> But ElisaGoyle was evil!
Alex> Yeah, but we dont know if Cali will be, I mean, she IS a magical being of some unidetified sort, maybe when her brain grows....
H/A> Maybe she can controle it!!!
*Cali starts sleep walking*
Alex> Then their is hope after all!!!
* Cali starts dancing the hokie poiki in her sleep*
*both girls stare*
H/A>....not THAT much hope....
*monkey nods eagerly as Cali does the John Travolta pointy finger dance*
Alex> well, we'll see *Cali does the funky chiken* I mean, her dancing is geting more advanced, maybe her brain is growing!
H/A>...*stares at Cali doing the moon walk*....riiiiight....
....Well!!! Anoucer 2.0!!! Do your job already!!!
Anouncer 2.0> *sniff* mean you want me back?
Yeah yeah! hurry up!!!
*Anouncer 2.0 beams* OK! Will Caligoyles brain ever get big enough!?
And if so, will she have evil tendancies or just get ahold of herself!?
And will Alex and Heather EVER stop fighting!?
Alex> We werent fighting!!
H/A> Yes we were!!!
Alex> No we werent!!!
Alex> NO WE--

Anouncer 2.0> Stay tooned for our next adventure to find out!!!
.....*monkey nods eagerly*....
*Heather points at monkey* SEE I told you we were!!!

(Sorry I didnt add to much girls, but I'm kindda not very inspired today! :P)
***********So go alex! Fix it! Go already I say!!!!:P********

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alex's Dream Time! ^_^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
*Alex picks up squashed P-chan and holds it dear*
Alex: u poor baby.... here, u rest yourself......
*stares at dancing Caliopegoyle*
Alex: if we had a contract w/ Kenner we could do a "Dancing Cali" toy... I see it as the latest fad.... once Pokemon leaves. :P
H\A: *eyes sparkle* could we do a gloriously attractive Heather doll??........
Alex: No. We'd do a "Gloriously Attractive Alex Destine" doll...... You could be the "Funny-looking Heather" doll. ^_^
*Heather stares*
H\A: I don't know why i bother!!
*monkey nods eagerly*
*Caligoyle overhears our discussion starts to jump*
Cali: Me want dolly!.... Me want dolly NOW!!
*earth starts to shake*
Alex: Make her stop! MAKE HER STOOOOOP!
H\A: she jsut wants a dolly.. *Heather pushes Alex next to Caligoyle*
H\A: there's your dolly Caligoyle! Enjoy!
Alex: HEY!
H\A: but Alex... YOU'RE the gloriously attractive one! :P
Alex: i hate you.......
*Caligoyle picks Alex up and looks at her*
Alex: why is it always me!??!?!
Cali: WWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! Me want pretty dolly!!
Alex: excuse me...
*Heather & ordinary monkey fall on the floor laughing*
Alex: I have yet to see what's so funny!!! *fumming*
*looks at Caligoyle*
Alex: I'll have u know I'm 100% PURE CUTENESS!!......... DAMMIT!
*insanely laughter is now heard from Heather, the monkey & Announcer 2.0*
Alex: That's it Announcer 2.0..... u're fired!!!
Announcer 2.0: why me?!?!?!
Alex:....... cause I can't fire Heather......
*Announcer 2.0 goes sit on a corner*
Cali: Caligoyle smash!!......... Me want pretty dolly!!
*tosses Alex off*
Alex: EEEEEEEEKKKKK!! *lands on top of Heather*
Alex: Wow... that was amazing less painful then what I'd thought it would be.... although i felt i landed on something weird..
H\A: get..... off.... ME!
Alex: OH!........ it's just you..... ^_^
H\A: no, i mean it!... get off, you're heavy!
*monkey nods eagerly*
Alex: *gasp* Not only has my beauty attributes been made fun off, but now I'm fat!??! Do u realize that such comments could scar my soul for life, one from which my self esteem would equal the value of ice in the North Pole or sand on a desert!! Do u realize such things?!!?... do ya! DO YA?!!?!
*monkey and H&A nod eagerly*
Alex:... ok, that's it... I'm gonna develop suicidel tendencies now!...
*monkey nods eagerly*
*monkey is slaped on the head by Heather*
H\A: now monkey.... some things are better to take seriously!
*Alex has some hope that maybe... just maybe Heather might actually miss her if she had suicidel tendencies*
H&A: let's see her will before we do anything hasty.
*monkey nods eagerly*
Alex: AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Get away from me!!!
*Caligoyle is sitting and enjoying the show*
Cali: me want more....
Alex: these 2 are plotting my demise and u want more!?!?...
H\A: u heard Caligoyle....
*monkey nods eagerly*
Alex: Get away from me!......... Announcer 2.0, go to credits or something..
Announcer 2.0: I was fired remember!!!.
Alex: oh yeah.... Well, u're hired now!... GO TO CREDITS!
H\A: we don't show credits, we leave w/ cute unanswered questions that will probably be leaft that way until the end of time....
Alex: oooohhh... *monkey nods eagerly*
Alex: Well then... go to unanswered questions, Announcer 2.0!
Announcer 2.0: ..............
Alex: please.
Announcer 2.0: alright.... Will Caligoyle ever have her brain on the normal sieze for someone her age?
(Alex: hey wait! that question can be answered! the answer is no!
H\A: ALEX! get off of the Announcer 2.0 air time! Alex: sorry...)
Announcer 2.0: as i was saying... Will Alex & Heather ever get along?
Will the monkey ever do anything BUT nod eagerly?
All these questions.... will probably never be answered... but they shall try anyway!.... on the next RP!
Now a word from our sponser....
H\A: we don't have a sponser either.
Announcer 2.0: ooh...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Heather honey! u next! ^_^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Alex Destine

------------W.H.N.A~~~~Online now!----------------------
*Alex and Heather are still squabbling like Serena and Rei, while Caligoyleclaps her hands and laughs*
H\A: *stops midsentence* Hey......shhh! You hear that?
Alex: *listens* But Heather, I don't---
H\A: I said SHUSH!!
Alex: But I---
Alex: But that's a---
Alex: Heather---
Caligoyle: Ooooh! More toys!
H\A: *looks behind her* Oh mi gosh!!
Alex: I TRIED to tell you.. .
Announcer: Will Cali ever grow up?
What's behind Heather?
Will I get more subtitled Sailor Moon to watch this weekend---
H\A: HEY! You're not being paid to talk 'bout your social life!
Announcer: You don't pay me at all!!
Will the Announcer continue to put upwith this punishment, or just QUIT?!
Alex: 3 to 1 he puts up with it
Heather: You're on...

----------------Okay! Me done. And while you're online, check out H\A's spiffy new website! Have fun, kiddeos! Cali's turn!------------

Heather N. Allen

****CALI LAND****NO TRESPASING*****YOU HERD ME!!!******:P******

*Caligyle looks at the swarm of Babbits (little bunnies with bat wings, for those who dont know :P If ya wanna see some pics, go here:

Pic of Babbit!!

) flying in their direction. She look at them with sparkly eyes*
Ooooooo Pwitty!!!! Kawaii!!!!
H/A> *gasp* Alex! She just said something in japanise!!!
Alex> So what! She tends to do that now and then, besides..look at the Babbits! Arent they cute!!!*eyes sparkle too*
H/A> No lame brain! It means shes getting smater!!! Its a slow prosess but its progress!!!
Alex>....well so?! Who cares?! Look at the Babbits I said! Arent the cute?!
H/A> *sighs* Yeah yeah, whatever...
Alex> Whatever?! Ordinary Monkey thinxs they’re cute, dont ya?!
*monkey nods eagerly*
See, and so do you, right Anouncer 2.0?
2.0> Well, I donno, they seem kindda stupid...
Alex> WHAT?! I'll have you know the are skilled anouncers and one of them might just take your place soon if you keep up THAT attitud!
*2.0 pouts*
*meanwile, Caligoyle is laughing and playing with the little Babbits flying about her as one of them land on her nose, and she sneezes terribly, blowing away the aguing Heather, Alex and Anouncer*
*giggles* Bless me! :P
*the girls pick themselves up a little shoked*
Alex> Well! Bless you indeed!
H/A> Well, I still think this is wierd...what are these things doing here anyways?
Alex> Anouncer!!! See?! A pro would know that that was the perfect time to cut this take! Now get to it!!!
2.0> *is getting fed up with such bratyness* *says between clenched teeth*
WILL Cali's brain ever get back to normal!?
WILL Alex ever actualy GET a brain!?
WHAT THE HECK are the Babbits doing here anyhow?!
And IS THIS JOB WORTH IT?!?!!?!?.....*breath in....breath out....*
Stay tooned, for our next RP!

(Yo guys, we need some freash meat in this RP, lets see if we can recrute a new player. I got some ideas for new candidates, it you guys dont mind that is? Oh, and Heather, COOL PAGE! ^_~ Well Alex! Its your turn!
Goooooooooo get'em Alex!!! :P)

***Alex Destine Franchesca Katalina Bobeska Spaguetti Rastrillo the III...Call her alex for short! :P***


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alex Dream Time :P ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
*Alex sees kawaii little Babbit´s and goes chases after them*
Alex: Come back here you!!..... I just want a hug!!!
*Babbits fly away in horror*> H\A: You see Announcer 2.0, they aren´t stupid! :P
*Announcer 2.0 nods eagerly*
*little Caligoyle starts to cry*
H\A: alex.... ALEX!!! STOP SCARRING THE BABBITS!!!! You´re making Cali cry!
Alex: SO..... ??? =P I just wanna hug the kawaii little Babbits!!
H\A: they don´t wish to be HUGGED!

Alex: ........
*runs again trying to catch them*
Alex: WHEEEEEEE!!... come BACK here.... i AM your FRIEND!!!!! =P *Babbits RUN!*

*Caligoyle grabs cute little Alex by her shirt and lifts her up to face her*
Cali: no no!... you play nice nice with Babbito! ne?
Alex:.... but... but....
Cali: NE?!?!?!?!?!
alex: hai.... *mumbles*
H\A: oh Cali! is your brain you "usual" size now?
**Cali looks crosseyed & talks gibberish*
H\A & Announcer 2.0: ...... guess not....
Alex: umh... put me down....
H\A: So,.. Announcer, u wanna go grab a bite to eat?
Announcer 2.0: sure...
Alex: hey... HEY!!!..... DON'T LEAVE ME!!!!
H\A: did u hear something...
Announcer 2.0: nope! =P
Cali: me want cookie me want cookie!
H\A: sure thing Cali!
Alex: ooooh! you heard tHAT!!!!
*Anouncer 2.0 calls back on his way too lunch*
Will Cali get her brain back to the right size?!
Will Alex catch a Babbit?!
Will she ever get to eat that tasty smurf?! And most importantly...
Will she ever stop whinning!?!?!?
Stay tooned to find out!!!!
Heather!!! Your turn!!!
Alex Destine

===========You are now entering...THE H\A ZONE ... dodododo, dodododo, dodododo ...=====================

H\A: Soooo, if Caligoyle's brain continues to expand at its current rate, she should be back to full brain capacity after twenty-four hours of intake of the potion.
Alex: Uh, Heather hon?
H\A: Yeah?
Alex: It's MORE than a lil' past 24 HOURS!!
H\A: Aw, screw this pre-cal crap!! All I wanted to do was sound smart...*sniff!*
Alex: It'd take a LOT more than some silly equations to do THAT...
A 2.0: Hey, lookit...the babbits are back!
Alex: OOOH! BABBITS!! Cummere you cute lil' creatures you!*starts chasing babbits*
H\A: Oh yeah, THAT makes you sound intelligent.
A 2.0: Will H\A get past this writers block that's taking up space in her brain to come up with something a LITTLE bit more creative next time?
H\A: Hey, I got 700 freakin' emails in my inbox!! Computer suspension and spring break just don't mix...oy...

========Okay, that was WAY lame. All my creative stuff went into webpage ideas, which might be posted by Friday. And sure Cali, I wouldn't mind a new Eradication Squad member! Later...=================

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