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Melony's homepage.

this is my worthless dog. all he does is sleep, but he is a very loveable pet. go to my save the greys spot (professional websites) to find out how to take one of these couch potatoes home with you.

Don't leave here without SIGNING the Guestbook by GuestWorld You can LOOK at it too, I guess.

Here's "Tina, the troubled teen" with today's message of LOVE!

Tina the Troubled Teen

And here's "uncle Hyman" with some good advice.

Uncle Hyman

Oooh!! the ever popular Gothic Quote Generator!

A Quote

So maybe a few things have changed since my last update, I am working on a few, er.... corrections, be patient. It could be worth the wait!!


More about me--personal links
Creepy people-- friend's pages.
homepages that people with actual computer knowledge created
Funny things sent to me over e-mail. under construction.
