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Websites that people with actual computer knowledge created

These are a few places that I found really interesting. Most of these links are to places with free acess to this or that, enjoy.

I love to role play!! If you want to find out what the heck I'm talking about, simply take a stroll on down to White Wolf
And yes, I do have compassion. Save the Greys!
and if you are looking to "spruce up" your own homepage, check out some of these animated graphics. They are FREE!.
and if I ever do find time to get on a chatline, I go NOWHERE B/C they took down WEBCHAT! :[
I think we need to try and clear up some of the confusion.

last but not least, I found this background at Fantasyland graphics. this specific work was done by Jonathon Bowser
go to fantasy graphics to see all kinds of cool art, go to Jonathon's place to see a lot of his art. thank you.

BACK to where you came from.
