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Vastness Unsurpassed

When I look at the night sky I see a vastness unsurpassed.  Some nights clouds interrupt the vastness.  You can’t see the clouds but you know there is shallowness in the sky above.  Other nights there are stars so it doesn’t look as empty.  Can you imagine a completely empty sky?  Complete darkness so vast.  Some think the oceans are so vast so as to make someone become insane if they were there long enough.  But the universe is eternally vast.  God has filled it with stars and planets and moons.  But he blessed this Earth with life.  Even if there are other planets with life, we are the ones who have Jesus.  No one can comprehend God, nor are we meant to at the moment.  In Heaven we will constantly and eternally be learning new things.  Have you ever just sat and began to think of all the uncomprehendable things of life?  It gives a headache.  It makes you become at awe at our loving Maker.  If you look at the simple things like trees, grass, dirt, water, and fire there is also a miracle in them.  If you think about it, the question should be, “With all the wondrous things He made for us to behold and become curious about yet can never fully understand, why are we waiting to be in Heaven to be in constant awe?”   The answer is simple.  We are human and since the time of the fall of man we have become separated from God.  Because Jesus has bridged that gap with His blood and cross, we are no longer separated, yet even as Christians we sometimes become too busy, even when doing His service, that we forget to “stop and smell the roses” and know that God gave that rose a smell for some wonderful reason if only to make us smile.  As Christians the old cliché of  “stopping and smelling roses” should mean to look at creation and become in awe of the Maker.

  August 18, 1999

Lori Cox