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Ok...this is poetry i found in my old composition book.  i thru alot of it away because i dont think its how i feel anymore meaning i am no longer connected to it and i hate it hhee  here is the stuff i still feel true.  PS...i copied and pasted so i cant bring the last line deal with it hehe ;)  j/k

One is enslaved as a Christian
And meets an unsaved slave

And causes him to be saved

 I don’t know what to say
She’s so sad
She has lots of love to give
But she feels she receives none
I want her to know that
We all love her

Those she had

The rain is hard
The thunder is loud
The lightening is bright
The wind is strong
But He controls it all
I love Him
I trust Him
I believe in Him
I have faith in Him
Because He made us all

And He loves us all

My hands and feet bound
My face to the ground
But my spirit reaches towards Thee
For You have already freed me
Even though this life is tough
Your love will always be enough
Though I am bound now

Soon I will freely before You bow

What you see and what you think
I wonder what the world thinks of me

But what matters is what God thinks

 What is a friend
Someone you trust
Someone you love
You’d die for them
You’d do anything for the,
It’s the greatest thing you’ll know
David and Jonathan were not only pals
They were friends
Who weren’t ashamed to say
They love one another
Jonathan told David to go
Knowing he’ll never see him again
To spare him from his father’s wrath
He’s just not someone to play with
I’m not sure what a friend is
But its far deeper ill probably ever realize
It’s so deep in your heart
So deep you may not know its there
It’s more than parents, siblings, and spouses
But make friends with them
You’ll be very rich
Friendships start by being friendly
But only god can make it true

Friendship is a deep love

 The Love Of God 

The love of God
There’s nothing like it
Nothing else can fit
Like the love of God

 The love of God
It’s so true
Please let you
Feel the love of God

The love of God
Will guide you
In whatever you do
Follow the love of God

The love of God
Is the brightest light
He’ll take you to a new height
Even at night
Nothing is more right
Even if you have no sight

You can see the love of God

 The stillness of night
Shouldn’t bring a fright

You hear a noise
Just keep your poise

You see a shadow
Or hear a rattle

You need not fear
For God is near

It can’t bring pain
You fear in vain

There’s no need to be afraid
Fear is nothing but what’s in your brain

More fear is made everyday

But not without your say

Peace love hope
If only people understood
The only way to cope
Is to let God take control

Rain storm hail
He’ll protect you
He’ll never fail

To love you too

He pulls at me
Unwilling to let go
Why don’t I give in
I know id be better off if I did
I pray someday He wont have to pull anymore

Now I pray He wont give up

Thank Him for all you have
Thank Him for your life

Thank Him for His love

For Us 

Jesus was born for us
So we won’t die
He died
And rose again
For us

For us He died
Jesus God’s only Son
For three days He was gone
And rose God’s only Son
For us

In heaven He abides
For us a home is made there
Because for us He loved and died
For us He rose again
For us

His love is pure and strong and unending
I follow His steps into the light
I know I'm not perfect
But I try to be like Jesus
Who died and rose again

For us

 God made the universe
If you doubt this
Look around
Everything is His

He made us to love Him
And if we do
Great rewards will be ours
Our cups will overflow

He loves us so very much
More than we ever know
He shows it every day
You’ll see it wherever you go

He’s closer than you think
If with Him you want to talk
He’s at the door of your heart

Just listen for the knock

Like a flower from a small seed
Many things we need
Water to quench our thirst
As we grow from the earth
Our heads look to the Son
Our growing has just begun
At our body’s death
It goes back to where it began
Our souls go to heaven

To always live with Him

 God loves you
There’s no need to fear
He’s there whatever you do

Your prayers He will hear

 God With Us

As the sun shines over the mountain
God watches us

As the sun shines down to the ocean
God is with us

As the wind flows through the valley
God loves us

As the clouds float above
God protects us

As the rain waters the thirsty ground
God provides for us

As we live in the God-given land

God lives with us

 Knees to bow on
Arms to lift
Voice to sing and proclaim

The glory of our Lord’s name

 Though I’m sick and ill
I trust Him with all my heart
I fear
It’s human nature
I try not to fear

I put my trust in Him

All I can do is say this prayer
That God will protect me from all that’s out there
And His love will protect and shelter me

From satan’s deadly lies and God will protect me

As the sun shines through the dark clouds
So happy and gay
I know the Lord is watching me

As He has all day

 True love comes from above
It’s a gift from God to us
We really don’t deserve it

But that’s what love is

 His love is so true
He’s done so much

To show His love to you

God’s Plan For Love

 Your life is filled with misery
You think there's no hope
You’ve lost all sense of hope
But oh my friend Love will lead you
God has a plan for you
Through you He will lead others to Him
Your life will be filled with joy love and hope
He will bless you many times
Ask Him where to go
And go there
You may find troubled times

But with Him you have great endurance

1-21-97 - I don't really like this one because i wrote it for a contest and i put too much thought into it and that took out a bunch of feeling in my it isnt any true art on my part...just something like one would write for school.

 I can nothing without Christ
With Him I can do anything
From my heart I can sing
Of the love of Christ

It’s so hard to comprehend
Who God is
You may be an academic whiz
But can you say when the earth will end

God is God
That’s all there is to it
If you don’t know it yet

You will when you see God