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I Love Jesus!

well foksies, its October.  a new month.  now the countdown is 3 months to Y2K.  i am so happy!  and right now i am on an imagination hype.  i mean we wouldn't be able to invent without imagination.  we wouldn't have light if some dude didnt imagine fire in a piece of glass.  and we are created in God's image and obviously our Lord has imagination.  even imagination's root word is image!  nehoo God is great!  God is good all the time!  and i was just thinking that He has blessed me SO much and i hadn't really thoght about it.  i just been wishin for more to do at work.  but some people have TOO much.  and hey i aint outside!  God has supplied this job and he has blessed me with a sizeable pell grant to go to school with and great friends like you!  and the weather is getting cooler and i think of that as a blesing!  and all these things where Christians are being shot down because of their faith...i feel so happy for them.  ok before you call charter on me.  think about it.  they died for Jesus name!  in my opinion that is the BEST way to die!  they have great rewards in heaven man!  i just pray i have that much boldness.  I LOVE JESUS AND I WANT EVERYONE TO KNOW!  IF YOU WANT TO KILL ME BECAUSE OF THAT MORE POWER TO JESUS!!!!!!  hehe  i'll make that my new signature!  :)

October 1, 1999
