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The Jarod Keepers List

his slinky

Name and E-mail Keepership
the black leather jacket that makes him look so incredibly sexy (2) the discovery of the joys of eating an ice-cream cone (3) his sweet tooth (4) the line "I still remember the little girl who gave me my first kiss" (5) Jarod's eye-glasses that make him look so smart and sexy (6) his retro wardrobe from Exposed (7) his reunion with his father (8) his picture of Emily
his extraordinary artistic talents (2)his Mr. Raines Halloween Costume (3)the dream catcher that his father made
the black leather jacket (2) his Spiderman PEZ
Andrew Stevens his supply of PEZ candy (2) his unrequited love for Miss Parker
Reese co-keeper of his supply of PEZ (2) the bond with Miss Parker (3) the phone calls to Sydney (4) co-keeper of his DSA's
Faith All of Jarod's "Kyle" memories
co-keeper of Jarod's black leather jacket that makes him look so incredibly sexy (2) his PEZ moments (3) the line "Give me back my PEZ!" (4) co-keeper of Jarod's line "Why is there a severed animal's limb hanging from your rearview mirror?"
his strong but gentle hands and the infinite gestures they make (2)the Hugo Boss suits he wears in A Stand Up Guy (3)the long black leather coat (4)his watch (5)the line to Bernie the Elvis impersonator "Well thank you verrrrry much" (6)the quote to Nia in Ranger Jarod "Adios, mi vida" (7)his abs as seen in the episode Exposed Jarod's red notebooks
the Army Rangers dress uniform he wore in Collateral Damage (2)the silver mustang he drove in Gigolo Jarod (3)his black t-shirts (4)his laugh (5)his dimples
the white shirt he wears at the end of Gigolo Jarod (2) his first kiss (3)the always handy for a flashback DSA of his first oh so sweet and innocent kiss (4)his Bugs Bunny PEZ dispenser from Gigolo Jarod
his constant [head] games with Miss Parker (2)his Haliburton case and everything he keeps inside (3)his ability to become anything he desires (4)his continual discovery of the world (5)his sting operations (6)his twisted wicked sense of humor (7)his Remarkably Intriguing, yet Somewhat Off-Kiltered, Sense of Clairvoyance
his sunglasses in season 1 (2)the line "What have I ever done to you?" said to Dr. Raines in Dragon House (3)his wonderful smile and dimples (4)his beautiful brown eyes (5) his Monsignor Robe and Hat in Unsinkable (6) the quote "Hummm, SUGAR, YUM" from PTB (7) the beautiful gift of The Broken hearted stained-glass piece he sent to Miss Parker in the episode Wake-Up (8) his joy and happiness when he hugged his father in Donoterase
John and Margie
his discovery of the "food of the gods"[Twinkie Cream] (2)the discovery of and having so much fun with JELLO
the action of writing The Saddest Little Valentine (2)his pretend as a Gigolo (3)the ability to exact revenge (4)his unending sympathy (5)the Quote "Just open the box" to Miss Parker when he got annoyed with her (6)the quote to Miss Parker "How did we end up so alone?"
the action of trying to protect Miss Parker in the bank (2)the decision to have Miss Parker strip searched (3)his love for his family (4)The heart shaped candy he gave Miss Parker (5)his innocent looks
the black satin shirt he is wearing in the opening credits (2)his insatiable curiosity (3)his Mountie uniform
Sally sunglasses worn in season 2 (2)his passion for life
pretends as a doctor (2)line "Catch me if you can" (3)The bible that belonged to Jarod's family
pretend as a one armed safe cracker (2)Wheel-O toy from Scott Free (3)co-keeper of Jarod's first kiss with Miss Parker
Lou Mr. Potato Head (2)co-keeper of Jarod's picture of his mother
Noelle the rubix cube that I could never figure out (2)"look" that he gives the bad guy in almost every episode (3)his IQ that is off the chart (4)his AB- blood
Cissi discovery of the Magic Eight Ball (2)line "Well I imagine the sound of an insect vocalizing in any language would be fascinating (3)his pretend as a hitman
line "Why is there a severed animal's limb hanging from your rearview mirror?" (2)his feelings for Sydney (3)his handsome smile (4)The cool move that Jarod made when handcuffing Kim Hope and Prey (5)his picture of his father (6)friendship with Argyle (7)ability to learn golf in 56 minutes (8)pretend as a secret service agent
Jo the delicious little mole under his right eye
Zoe hope to find the truth about his family (2)CreepyJarod's "Didn't you, didn't you, didn't you" accusatory quote (3)his ID badges in Amnesia
Joya unbelievably creative imagination (2)compassion for those in trouble
Usagi pretends as an ice-cream man (2)picture of Kyle seen in Hazards
dziga the discovery of Bazooka bubblegum (2)his friendship with Angelo
Rebecca his discovery of Star Wars
Rachel flying cross medal that belonged to his father
Becci B.
the MOMO nomax race suit (2)pretend as a CART race car driver (3)brown retro jacket (4)Omega Speedmaster watch (5)long black trench coat worn in season 4 (6)his Goth wardrobe
Jessie Travis white sky-diving jumpsuit
Genie the pink satin shirt (2)his haliburton case (3)his red file
NewFan Oakley sunglasses (2)his copy of his book The Saddest Little Valentine (3)his hairstyle
Sara Jarod's slinky
Nicole Jarod's eyes
Pretenderfan picture of his mother (2)flying cross medal
pretend as a gross anatomy professor (2)discovery of Valentine's Day (3)Jarod's grin (4)Jarod's lips (5)co-keeper of Jarod's sweet tooth
HallGirl discovery of Spam (2)his raised eyebrow when he is confused
Elanor Jarod's abandoned copy of the Kama Sutra
Ruth Jarod's sigh of relief when he told Miss Parker he was not her brother
Ana S. His wariness of Gar (2)his scowl
passion for helping people (2)his buff upper body (3)Jarod's gypsy eyes (4)Jarod's deep sexy, voice
Ginger boyish innocence (2)passion for seeking the truth
NatCat sense of humor
KB desparation to find who and what he is!!
his ever so sexy haircut (2)co-keeper of Jarod's love for his family (3)the line "Nice to see you again, sis" to Miss Parker in Bloodlines
Brigitte the second kiss from Miss Parker as seen in Amnesia (2)the blue notebook that belonged to Kyle
Deirdre Jarod's expression of childlike wonder at learning new things
Mara Jade
his obsession with taunting Miss Parker (2)his bond with Sydney (3)the line,"What will become of us once we have all our answers?"
Dawnwolf The look on Jarod's face when he saw his mother
Georgiana Ellis Jarod's single word utterance, "No," in episode 8, "Not Even a Mouse," when asked if he is all right
Marie Claude Jarod's adorable little beard in Exposed
The cool black car Jarod drives in Baby Love (2)his love and emotions towards baby Michael in Baby Love
the constant tries to get the old Miss Parker back (2)the look when he called Miss Parker at the end of Bank (3)the Line: "So, you believe that love is worth fighting for; that it's worth the pain and effort?" as said to Sydney in Gigolo Jarod
Natasha the line "It's a mad, mad world" (2)his anti-depressants
Rob Newman Jarod's mailbox 240RTE (his address when he went to his house that had been burned down in Blooodlines)
FyreAyngel Jarod's sweaters
love for poptarts (2)tattoos from Parole
rougish smile (2)The sparkle in Jarod's eyes (3)pretend as a firefighter
yellow tinted sunglasses in Exposed (2)voice used in Scott Free the line (with a flaregun in his hand) "And it's going to redefine heartburn unless you drop it!" [Keys]
Jewel The ineffably beautiful and poignant wonder that is Jarod when asleep (2)The handcuffs used to bind Jarod in the Red Rock Jarod episode (3)The hug that Jarod gave Kyle in the Red Rock Jarod episode
Vee Jarod's line "I am today"
Heather O'B pajama's from Gigolo Jarod (2)tank tops he wore as an ex-con
Josh S. Helms Jarod's sense of style
Mary Davis Jarod's breath when blew the chalk off his pool cue and the scene went to blackout as if he blew out a candle in Parole
The laugh wrinkles around Jarod's eyes (2)The sexy spikiness of Jarod's hair
the quote "I think I would remember something like that" in response to a strip club in Parole (2)the flowered shirts from Homefront
Denise Jarod's pretend as a Lieutenant Commander in the Navy
Sea Child
Jarod's sweet nature (2)gentle smile (3)compassion for others
Jarod's topless scenes from Parole (2) Jarod's soul Jarod's intense emotional attachments to Sydney
The mischievous twinkle in Jarod's eyes (2)quote: "All this time I haven't been arming your missiles... I've been DISarming them. They won't even take out a Tonka Truck." (3)the wicked things Jarod can do with paperclips
Jessi Jarod's PEZ dispensers of the trio (MP, Sydney and Broots)
Danielle :-) the white bunny Jarod picked out to give to Miss Parker in Not Even A Mouse
Monica,from Argentina
hope that someday he will be reunited with his parents (2)big capacity for wonder and joy (3)supposed love for Argentina (4)co-keeper of his reunion with his father (5)his inner strength (6)his feelings for his clone
Jackie Jarod's line to Broots about Miss Parker- "She doesn't have it in her heart, or her eyes."
Protectiveness of Miss Parker (2)protectiveness of Sydney (3)deep respect for justice
Meszaros Diana The way that Jarod looks down when he knows who the bad guy is
KatyKat the white under shirt from Parole that made him look hotter than ever (2)the line "This is exactly how I planned it, everyday, since you killed my brother." Spoken to Mr. Lyle in Flesh and Blood
Christine W. Meyer Jarod's Christmases
Lexie pretend as a teacher in Murder 101 (2)Jarod's oh so sexy smirk (3)his ever ready super cell phone
Lalacharly Jarod's line "You love him"
Marlee Parker the line "Think Hell....with nicer furniture" (2)the line "Two words Hand Cuffs" (3)the line "That's not a very nice thing to say to a man with a shovel" (4)the line "Oh you need to chill out"
Jade Jarod's ability to always be one step ahead of Miss Parker
Scarlett the totally evil look Jarod gets when he is pi$$ed off his sex appeal (2)his chivalrous attitude towards women (3)the hope for an end to all the hate in the world (4) the line, "Then go back to the village, they're missing their idiot."
Madrigal Smith Jarod's Bonanza lunchbox from Stolen (2)his ptosis (drooping eye-lid)as witnessed by a number of fans this season (3)his shiny blanket from The Hour of Our Death
Shaddyr Jarod's delight when he discovers something previously unknown and enjoys it (2)burning desire to remain free of the Centre (3)his look of total disgust when he realizes they GOT him this time.. for the moment, anyway... (4)total wipeout at the end of Donoterase
lea Curious George book (2)barrel of monkeys (3)stethoscopes from his m.d. pretends (4)the line "life is a gift" (5)the line to Miss Parker "I am not big on brides in black leather..." (6) his lost innocence with Nia in Ranger Jarod (7)his DNA (8)his genes
Kay Qy suppressed laughter on the phone when Miss Parker found out about her dad and Brigitte (2)The "toxic waste" in Hazards (3)The gun he killed Damon with
Ashley Jarod's heart (2)Jarod's mind (3)Jarod's spirit
jkmattson" his expressive eyebrows (2)Jarod's "great sense of justice" [Flesh and Blood]
Mary Beth Jarod's many lab coats
A. C. "Methos" Langlinais the utter despair when he looks up at Sydney, Parker, and Broots after losing his brother in "Red Rock Jarod" (2)duplicitous nature as aide/avenger (3)liking for the symbol for infinity, as mentioned by Sydney in "Curious Jarod" (4)his beautiful, artful, nimble hands
Robin Jarod's Quote from "Hazards", (2-08) "Twinkie cream, the food of the gods."
Kimberly Schwantes Jarod's laminated picture of his mother
Favorite Fan Jarod's line "Any Special reason that you're in here half naked?" (Pilot)
Rhia computer skills (2)ability to manipulate people and situations
Monet pretend as a mental patient in the third season opener (2) line in Crazy "Stress left unchecked creates madness"
Vicki Jarod's human nature
Milena Jarod's backhand pool shot
Batgirl> his duffel bag (2)his note to Sydney: "To the Man in the Yellow Hat. From the monkey who got away." (3)his arguments about the nutritional value of ice-cream
Josh bounty hunter handcuffs (2)photo of his dad and Mike Bodie
the Mouser Jarod's whimsy (2)Jarod's ever-changing charisma (3)Jarod's deviousness his Centre files (2)his affinity for Twinkies (3)child like grin (4)rippling muscles (5)ability to never get caught by the Centre (6) his face when he finds out what he can do with JELLO (7)the sunglasses in the racing episode (8)his love for sugar
Shelley his computer (2)the straight jacket from Crazy
Alex C Jarod's incredible brain
Julia Jarod's line in Countdown "I do like that ER program."
Tracy his father's Circle of Fire patch (2)the line "I don't know who I am." (3)the line "I'm not exactly who I pretend to be"/"I was just pretending" (4)the line "No, you don't have to become a monster to face one." Once in a Blue Moon (5)the incredible knack Jarod has for speed snooping (5)his Father's Day card to Sydney (6)the sketches from Crazy
Melizza Jarod's cute facial expressions when he discovers something (2)his diary
TruthSeeker Jarod's psychotic looks in Crazy
denise his dream of complete freedom
Calicia his baiting of Clare and her friends in Murder 101 (2)his pretend as a weapons dealer (3) Co-keeper of the picture of his dad and Mike Bodie
Patti his line in Gigolo Jarod "Rumor has it you're feeling vaguely unfulfilled" his line "I like ice-cream. I really like ice-cream." (2) his line "Same bat time same bat channel" (3)his pretend as a skydiving instructor
Katie his kind loving eyes
frostdoll> his line "You're not a monster, you still... my family" to Sydney (2)his open shirt scenes in Gigolo Jarod (3)his pretend as a lawyer in Paper Clock
pezgirl> his line in Crazy "It changes every week"
Karjaga the Easy Cheese from the firefighter episode (2)the helicopters he has used for several escapes
paula h his line to Miss Parker in Wake Up "We are both just two pieces of the same puzzle."
Kristin The way Jarod looks in a black shirt and black jeans (2)1st winter away from the Centre (3)his REFUGE (4)the joy of snow falling as a kid (5)quirky yet brilliant sense of justice
KDELAP his Maharaja PEZ dispenser
Redd his smart aleck smirk
Blank Paper line, "I need you to help me." As said in many episodes (2)The many smiles meaning "gotcha there" and "you look SO stupid" (3)His versatile, deep voice
Sylver The "missing piece" Jarod still has, from Miss Parker's stained glass portrait in Wake Up (2)line "Don't stop searching for those missing pieces, Miss Parker. If you do, you'll never find what you're looking for." (3)his tears when his brother died in Red Rock Jarod (4)his newspaper clippings
Amanda line "Everytime I close my eyes, I go somewhere." from Back From the Dead Again (2) his pretend as Virologist from A Virus Among US (3) his line "Love transcends death, that the people we love touch our lives even after they're gone." from At the Hour of Our Deaths (4)pretend as a Profiler from Once in a Blue Moon (5)line "In the end we all get what we deserve" as said to Miss Parker in Someone to Trust (6)his corn man doll (7)his emotions towards Faith (8)line to Miss Parker ""After all, life is a mirage - sometimes the things that scare you the most can be the things that save your life."
Mike Egeland line "Brilliant minds they are so fragile." from Murder 101 (2)quote "I am not gonna be your little science experiment anymore, Sydney." (3)quote "Aw, your money's all gone, better call your broker." (4)quote to professor Clark's wife, "Believe what's in your heart." in Murder 101 (5)his pretend as a profiler in the Pretender/Profiler crossover (6)line to Mrs. Nash in The World's Changing"It wasn't my body that needed nourishing. It was my heart." (7)line to Wendy in Homefront "Trust your feelings and you'll be fine." (8)ability to set killer traps when he knows who the criminal is (9)line to Mr. White "Murderers have no honor" (10)pretend as a CID officer in Survival
Vicci Jarod's motorbike (2)line in Donoterase"Remember Me"
MissParker17 the way Jarod moves his eyes around the room when he is scared or is on to something (2)his pretend as an ex-con
Charity aka Taygeta Jarod staying behind when Miss Parker was shot
Meredy quote "Real horses Wow!!"
Lauren his emotional heart (2)his hugs and kisses
Jarod's Only Understanding Friend co-keeper of his sweet soul
Afton his first meeting with his clone
Leah his quick reunion with his mother and sister
Trisha the look on his face when Miss Parker was shot
Laa Laa his muscular arms
Kathryn Andrea R. the sing-song quote "Every minute, every hour, every day of my life" seen in Crazy
Paula his Christmas PEZ dispensers (2)the clear simulation bubble
Michelle his ability to write as seen in writing The Saddest Little Valentine (2) the line in Collateral Damage "I've had a lot of practice blending in" (3)his humanity (4)the many times Jarod introduces himself with "My name is Jarod"
Kirah line to Sydney "And by the way, ice-cream is good"
KiM his ability to work tirelessly (2)His empathy for the weak and abused
Trish his conversation with Miss Parker after their near death experience
Lee his fatigues in Survial (2)his recipe for abyss
Toes his knowledge of problem solving (2)his knowledge of the medical profession (3)his purple lensed sunglasses (4)his hair cut in the 4th season
Rita line in Survival "The key to survival comes down to knowing the difference between your friends and your enemies"
Stephanie aka Little Miss Parker line in Gigolo Jarod"I have always depended on the kindness of strangers (2)line in Jarod's Honor"Well looks..aren't everything (3)line in Once In a Blue Moon"How does it feel to be the smartest man on the planet (4)the white lab mouse named Jacob (5)his nightmares about the flatlining experiment (6)his dream quest (7)his favorite number: 8 (8)The hood used to cover his head when he was stolen (9)his memories of his abduction (10)his first Oreo cookie
JOJAROD50 present to Lyle of the jumper cables and the note: SEE YOU SOON J.
Lyona The Irish Pretender Extraordinary ability to see right through people; to find the truth (2)ability to never make the same mistake twice his late night phone calls to Miss Parker (2)his hidden love for Miss Parker line in Crazy describing Sydney "Pavlov to my dog"
Amber his allergy to pistachios (2)fear/hatred of sweepers (3)sobs at his brother's death (4)look of fear in his eyes when Sam in Stolen (5)look of fear when he sees sweepers in general (6)the way he looks at children as the innocent (7)line "How does it feel to be the prey instead of the predator (8)line "Its OK Sydney, I would rather sleep through this." (9)The Pills Lyle gives to Jarod in The World's Changing
kaylei his sunglasses in Angels Flight (2)his kiss he gave to Violet in Wild Child
Ahslee line "I know where you live Mr. Broots the angel necklace given to him in Angels Flight
Elizabeth lego sculpture (2)origami swan
Danika his unmistakable style of shoes (2)his Father's Day card to Sydney (3)when Jarod blows out the candle in Crazy (4)his shorthand in his diary in End Game (5)being tied to the chair in Red Rock Jarod
Laura W. his knowing grin when he sees Violet on the ceiling in Wild Child (2)his compassion for Violet when she is taken from her home (3) line "Subject, specimen. How about human being?" (4)his discovery of skinny dipping in the episode Road Trip (5)his imitation of Zed's Australian accent in Extreme (6)his friendship with Thomas Gates (7)his picture of Miss Parker and Thomas on the swing (7)flirtatious nature with Rachel Burke (8)line "Karma, ain't it a bitch" (9)look on his face everytime he got punched out in the Cold Dick episode
ChickyDoodles Jarod's Chick Magnet Status (2)Jarod's Bunny Magnet Status (3)Jarod's Eye Candy Status(4)Jarod's Sweet Temptation Status
Daisy42 image of Jarod, sitting on a chair in the middle of the Centre Lobby in Donoterase(2)expression on Jarod's face near the end of Cold Dick, where he's tied to a chair and Miss Parker throws Broots on the bed and calls for "Mr. Wiggles" and Raines shows up
Ice line in Survival, "Well that is the army. Not only does it promote the incompetent, but it allows CID officers like myself to kick around anyone from private to general, regardless of rank. But if it makes you feel any better, I'll call you 'Sir'."
MomsyKat The feeling in Jarod's heart as his brother's hands fell out of his own when he died (2)The sob that tore out of his chest shortly after Kyle's death (3)Whatever POSSESSES Jarod to do things like hang slinkies from the ceiling, tie the trucker to the front of the truck, fill a vat with Jell-O, etc etc! (4)The gentleness with which Jarod with a slinky.
Andrea Loves Jarod his moments eating something he likes (2)ability to drive different vehicles (3)moments when he is asleep and looks innocent (4)wonderful intelligence & superb imagination (5)all of his memories (6)moments when he feels lonely
Breeze line to Nia "I know how to do many things but I don't know how to do this" ability to see good in Miss Parker (2)gunshot wounds in Donoterase (3)gunshot wounds in Betrayal (4)his scar in Donoterase
Dwanna line "What do you do when you get to 0 bottles of beer on the wall? (2)line "It's Jell-O It's a dessert. Yummy"
Fouzya ability to learn foreign languages
Jennifer G. the bank account with the funds Jarod stole from the Centre
Joan Dunay
Katt gothic jewelry in Angel's Flight (2)his vigilance (3)his curiosity about his past
Jarod's Girl his sad clown face (2)1st skinny dip with Zoe (3)his naivete (4)his determination (5)his extreme compassion (6)the phone tap between Jarod and Tommy (6)the look in Jarod's eye when he spots the baddie
Evi white Marine uniform in Spin Doctor (2)red leather jacket he wore in Spin Doctor
kiri the scene where Jarod received a new picture of his mother from Argyle (2)the tattoo on his wrist in Parole
Kylie the ability to hang the phone up at just the right time
Lady Liz his five o'clock shadow
Linda "the phrase "go to hell" and Jarod's reply's "you first" spoken in the episodes Murder 101 & Angel's Flight
Miss D. action of sending Faith's rosary beads to Miss Parker
Patterson his original draft of The Saddest Little Valentine
Purple the line "I can be anything I want to be"
Rae the song Claire de Lune that Jarod played in Meltdown
Romary the line "Now there's a good target" (referring to Lyle's car)
Susan Jarod's fond remembrance of Mozart's The Magic Flute
Vanessa the toy airplane he played with in the flashback scene in Stolen
wildgirl201 his mysterious eyes
Higlander II line to the store clerk “Why would anyone call something so versatile silly?”
Jarod’s_Pretender his obsession with PEZ (2)his love for doughnuts
LiteBrite his cup of soup (2)his pool-side manner in the 2nd Pretender/Profiler crossover (3)line “I have to watch?”
Mongoose awesome fighting skills rescuing Zoe from the cop while having his hands cuffed behind him (2)ability to talk his way out of a corner (3)patented method for serving justice to those who deserve what they get (4) the rubberband he used to keep his pants leg from getting caught in the chain of the bike (5) his undaunted determination & perseverance on his quest to find his family & help others, even his enemies (6) the strong motivation he possesses when the odds are stacked against him (7) his comical sunny grin that brightens the day (8) the suspicious evil-eyed look he gets when he knows foul play is at hand
Katie the lullabye Cree craw toad's foot geese walk barefoot
Lady_P the almost kiss between him and Miss Parker in The Island of the Haunted
Idiot Jed the 11 essential nutrients he gained from poptats (2)his bum-fluff facial hair from Murder 101 (3)his childhood luncbox tin given to him by his mother shortly before he was abducted

E-mail for keeper requests
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Created: 10-28-98
Last updated: 12-11-01

E-mail for keeper requests
E-mail for other stuff
Created: 10-28-98
Last updated: 12-25-01