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Pretender Cast

The Pretender

TNT's PRETENDER SITE-- check here for the dates and times of The Pretender re-runs being shown in syndication on TNT

Sites in The Pretender Webring

Jeremy's Ultimate Pretender Page-- A great page but it is temporarily down due to renovations

The Centre--One of the first Pretender sites on the web. Check out Jarod's Notebooks (epidsode guide) and The Filing Cabinet (list of Jarod's pretends and aliases)

Amanda's Pretender Page

MTW pages

Cissi's MTW Fan Page
Cissi has a really cool site. Join her MTW discussion list and check out all the cool things on her site. Hiya Cissi!!

Carm's Michael T. Weiss Page--This is mainly a page of pictures from the personal collection of the webmistress. The site takes a while to load but it is well worth the wait. If you enjoy looking at a sexy man ;-) then this is the place for you.

Check out all of Chicky Doodles MTW dancing pages:
Michael T. Weiss Chick Magnet
Michael T. Weiss Eye Candy
Michael T. Weiss Sweet Temptation
Michael T. Weiss Bunny Magnet

Other Pretender pages

The Pretender Training Site--According to the introduction to the site-- "While this page is designed around the TV show, the Pretender, it isn't just another "fan" page. Instead, it focuses on the science behind the Pretender project--the science of accelerated learning."

A German Pretender Site

Liberty Belle's Pretender Survey--Here are the results of an online survey undertaken by a fan. Some of the responses are quite interesting.

Discussion Forums

Pretender-l--Listserve to discuss The Pretender

Cissi's MTW Edition--Listserve to discuss MTW and The Pretender group for the discussion of The Pretender If you can't access newsgroups you can view and post messages via DejaNews

Jamie's Place and Chat

Michael T. Weiss Fan Club

Patrick Bauchau Club


Other Actors/Actresses Sites

OFFICIAL PATRICK BAUCHAU SITE--Official site for the actor that portrays Sydney

Ryan Merriman--A site dedicated to the talented younger actor who portrays young Jarod

The Jamie Denton Fan Page--Page dedicated to the actor who portrays the nefarious Mr. Lyle on The Pretender

Jon Gries Official Fan Page--Official site for Jon Gries who portrays Broots

Amir Aboulela's Official Domain--Official site for Amir Aboulela who portrayed the white haired cleaner Gar

Harve Presnell's Unofficial Website--Another great site created by Deb "Patrickphile". Harve Presnell plays Mr. Parker.

If you would like to add a Pretender site to my list of links or link to my page on your site just let me know.

E-mail for keeper requests
E-mail for other stuff
Created: 7-31-98
Last modified: 3-14-02