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Hi my name is Ben I live in Meeuwen, a small town in Belgium(Europe). I'm a big fan of the Atlanta Braves and I consider myself as Europe's biggest Braves fan. That's why I created this site. This site is for me also a way to communicate with other Braves fans all over our planet.

This site gives information on the Braves like the 2001 Braves Roster, the 2001 Braves Season, player stats and more. There are also a large number of links to related sites and to fan pages like mine. If you like to say something you can do this in the 'Read all about it'-section or by signing my Guestbook. Any comments or suggestions or other feedback you have can be send to me by filling in the 'Drop me a line'-form.

In a later version of this site I will include photos of the Braves I collect on the net and in the future in Atlanta. Last year I didn't made it to the All-Star game in Atlanta. As it looks like now I won't be able to go to Atlanta this year. However nothing will be able to stop me next year or at least I hope not ;-)

I have a club on with as subject popular American Sports. This club has a forum, a chatbox, a news section,... The user interface is in dutch however the information itself is brought online both in dutch and english. Take a look at my club. If you want to become a member of this club (it's completly free) just click the button which reads 'Aanmelden'. You probably will have to register with first, if you need help with this just let me know.

  Sign My Guestbook      View My Guestbook

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