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Gang Leader
Future Plans

Gang Leaders

In this gang we accept anyone no matter if they are crack pimp or thug pimps or noobs.  See in this gang I will give out a lot of tips and if you follow what I say you'll have no other choice but to become a good pimp. So if i elect you to be a gang leader then recruit any one you can.  And always make sure you are looking for bigger and better pimps. And just for the record once you join the family you cannot leave when you are kicked out of a family gang then you either join another or you make your own family gang or else we are going to attack you and make the rest of your Idle round a living hell. 

I am currently looking for gang leader so if you are already in the family then start talking to people we need to grow.  It won't take long if everyone tries. We already have about fifty people. i expect to have eighty by the start of the next round.