The Doorway







Welcome to the Doorway.  This site was designed with several goals in mind...

I first wanted a place where I could tell the world about myself, about my experiences growing up in New York City, about my life as an only child growing up in a single parent home.   I also wanted a place where people could view artwork and read pieces collected from friends and acquaintances, as well as submit  their   own.   I wanted  to  honor  the memory  of all  those affected by the events of   September   11th, 2001   and     allow    people   to   share  their experiences as well.  I wanted to have a place that would provide links to sites that can help people who  may  be  going  through a rough time, be it due to Depression, Eating Disorders, or Abuse.  I also wanted a  place  that  would  be entertaining and interesting for the average visitor.  I hope I have achieved each of these goals with  the  publishing  of  this  site.   All  I  ask  in return for all my efforts  is  a  little  feedback  on  the  site.  It  is  mine  to share, and yours to enjoy.  God Bless.

"The night is far past, the day is at hand, Let us therefore cast off the works of darkness and put on the armour of light."


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Everytime I watch the news I cry at this horrid crime. The worst is watching the families
 with loved ones still missing, these are the saddest and most gut wrenching. My heart and prayers go out to every one. I have lit a candle for Americans around the world. I have taken a moment of silence and prayed for everyone."
May God Be With You At This Time
Love From
Alberta Canada****


****From a compilation of prayers I collected from around the world just after 9/11. These were taken to the site and turned over to the New York City Fire Department  as a show of support from all of us..


I have to give a lot of love to some special individuals.  I could not be who or where I am today if it wasn't for the support and dedication they give me each and every day.  Thank you, I love you all: 

    Brian "Twin God" Perry / Charles "Masta Saabbi" V. / Chris "5 strikes" Del Toro / Christine "Damn this stupid NASCAR game" Curtis / Emily  "You're not gettin your c.d back" Jordan / Jason "Spaceboy" Davis / Jessica "Sweetcheeks" S. / Jamie "Is Smackdown on?" O. /  Leslee and Sis / My Mother the original "Copmom" / Shannon "MTV Cribs" Lawrence / Snugglebunnie / Everyone from HealthyPlace.Com / The UsAirways crew (Debbie, Vanessa, Maxima) /  And all my friends from all over the country and the world...peace.

This page was last updated on 06/04/02.


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