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Recipes & Kits

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Ever wanted to learn how to make your own beauty products? We will teach you how! Choose from our large selection of single recipes or choose a kit that contains everything you will need. The kits make great gifts and are easy and fun enough for children, too.

Single Recipes $1.00 each

Oatmeal Facial Cleanser

Nature's Cleansing Milk

Pink Grapefruit Facial Cleanser

Orange Peel Facial Scrub

Oatmeal & Honey Facial Scrub

Sweet Sugar Facial Exfoliator

Herbal Facial Toner

Orange-Mint Toner

Cooling Cucumber Eye Treatment

Lavender floral water

Rose floral water

Greek Olive Oil Cold Cream

Basic Facial Moisturizer

Body Butter


Kits $21.95 each

Herbal Lip Balm Kit

Herbal Cold Cream Kit

Cleansing Facial Mud Pack

Moisturizing Salt Rub

* 30 Day Money Back Guarantee on all items if returned with original sales slip. Shipping and Handling not included.

For a catalog of our full product line, including samples, send a SASE (2 first class stamps) to:

Nature's Intent
PO Box 354
Tok, Alaska 99780
Phone & Fax: (907) 883-3875

Copyright © 2001-2004 Nature's Intent

Website produced by Isaac Truett