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2005 Serum Run 25:    20 Feb - 10 March 2005

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2005 Serum Run at Old Woman Cabin

Erin & Kent with Fritz in Nome



We had a wonderful  trip to Nome this year!

A great group of mushers and machiners, who worked together to make it a fun and memorable trip! 

Thanks once again to the many people and villages along the trail that welcomed us and help make our journey possible.


Eventually I will update this site to include more photos and tales from the trail.

Please visit the Offical Serum Run 25 Web site for reports and photos from this years expedition.


Click Here for the Offical Serum Run 25 Web Site



This Page is still under construction!  

Index to 2005 Serum Run Pages

My Role


Kent's 2005 Gear Page
Kent's 2005 Winter Camping Equipment List
Kent's 2005 Maps and Trail Descriptions
Kent's 2005 Photos
Maps/GPS  Data and Trail Description





To sponsor or Contribute Click Here to e-mail Me

My Role I had  the honor of being the "Trail Boss".  The Expedition has two 'bosses', (or project managers for corporate types), a Trail Boss and a Musher Boss.  The Musher boss is Erin McLarnon, who as her title implies, is the coordinator for  musher and dog issues.  As Trail Boss, I will be responsible for the overall coordination of logistics and trail travel, and act as the snowmobiler coordinator.  The Musher Boss and Trail Boss share responsibility for pre-trip duties, decision making, and planning, to insure both musher and machiner views are considered.  (Thankfully there are board members and other volunteers to help with the many tasks that need be accomplished, and to help with advice!) Once on the trail the 'Bosses' monitor progress and conditions to insure the safest possible travel.       

As in 2002, each musher will carry a days supply of food and equipment, while the snowmobiler will carry an additional 3 days supply, extra gear, and provide trail support.  The snowmobiles break and mark the trail ahead of the mushers, and sweep the trail clearing up any markers, gear, or people that may remain.  For the most part we will be staying at the villages along the trail, however there are a few nights of wilderness camping along the way.  



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