My Helpmeet

"And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone;
I will make him an help meet for him"

Genesis 2:18 KJV

I would like to dedicate this page to the wonderful person God gave me to go through life with - my amazing wife, Linda.
  Somehow (and I don't profess to know how) she manages to hold together a husband, three kids, seven cats, a home, my career, school, and a thousand other things and integrate them all into one flowing (usually) unit I am proud to call "home".
  Aside from putting up with me (which is, in itself a full-time job!) she also manages to make sure everything gets it's share of attention - the laundry, the bills, the kids, dinner, and all the other jobs she does around the house. Where she finds time for it, I'll never know. But she does.
  God saw fit to give this creature to me on Oct. 11, 1983 although He made me work for her - I lived in a different state and a different world than her. But He knew she was the one for me so He made a few adjustments here and there and we got together. And since that day, my life has been so richly blessed that, short of going to Heaven itself, I seriously do not think it could get any better.
  We have had our tough times and our good times - it certainly hasn't been a bed of roses all the time - but I always knew that this woman would stand beside me through whatever came our way. I have come to depend on that steadfastness and stubborn determination more than she will ever realize. She is the one who motivates me to become who I am and who pushes me to become more than I thought I could be.
  The analogy of a ship at dock is, I guess, the best way to describe my feelings for this woman. On the bow, I am tied to God as my anchor, holding me fast and keeping me safe. But at the stern, is my wife, holding her anchor rope to me and seeing that I don't turn in the storm and crash into the dock. Between these two anchors, I am safe from any storm that could come.

  Sweetheart, I Love and always.

"And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man." Genesis 2:21-22 KJV

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