This Site contains material that may be inappropiate for some members of the public. If you are offended by sarcasm, morbid thoughts and/or altered facinations, you may not want to enter. Come ta think of it, if you are a circus midgit, a member of the Back Street Boys or a politician, yer not welcome here. I personally recommend that a person be at least of the age of 14 to enter...but no one really enforces the law stating that you have to be 18+ to enter porn I'm pretty sure that you'll enter anyway despite your age. Well, at least I warned ya


Chances are, the Angelfire banner ad is still minimumized. If it is, just keep it like that! That will make navigating through this Site easier.

Please read the disclaimer before entering, if you hadn't already.

Randy L. 'Nyte Chyld' Pendleton

Click on the Nine inch Nails logo below to enter my Asylum
(And it's not as if I actually believe that you are 14+, but I can't really stop ya if you're not)

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This Site has been known to cause very severe mental problems to some people. The vast majority of Nyte Chyld's visitors experienced a number of symptoms. Discontinue viewing immediately if you suffer from or experience one or more of the following:

Others also warn about an unknown disease that they contracted by viewing this Site - If you or someone you love contracts 'Wussyitous', please seek professional help immediately!

Thank you for your time concerning this matter.

By the way, this lightbulb is the Official Randy Pendleton 'Blonde' Link. Click on it once if you feel the need, but if you click on it two times or more, you might as well buy a gallon of bleach.

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