Welcome To Kenderhome

Welcome to my webpage. This page is solely dedicated to me. It's sole purpose is to give me entertainment. I will accept any suggestions you might have, but if you don't like it, FUCK OFF!!! I don't care, this wasn't made for you, it was made for me. But if you do like it, well, uh, then, congratulations. Anyways, look around, make sure to read everything! If you don't, I will hunt you down and kill you like the horrid beast that you are. Please enjoy.


Vampire: The Masquerade

Punk Rock 101

My Poetry Page

Things That Piss Me Off

The Government Conspiracy

Gutter's Obi-Wan Kenobi Page

Big Wolf On Campus

What's Wrong With Music Today?

My Anti-Stupid People Web-Page

The Man Hating Dyke Club/Militia Manifesto

History You Won't Find in Your Text Books: George Washington

Random Thoughts: Visit my Message Board

1) The Man Hating Dyke Club/Milita: I Made This

2) SPUCK: Music Your Parents Could Never Imagine But
Warned You About Anyway

3)Dreams Classified: A Place to post classified adds to find
people in your dreams.

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