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Every time I went on a diet, I gained more weight. I’ve been struggling with this my whole life. Then my pastor recommended I speak with Dr. Siegel. In a short time I went from feeling like an elephant to feeling like a gazelle with weights on. My whole self concept changed and I lost more weight and more pounds than I ever would have believed.
~ Anita Colonia

I had lost direction in my life. After speaking with Dr. Siegel I felt more centered and grounded than ever before. Now my life is headed in the right direction. Thank you Dr. Siegel, I don’t know what I would have done without you.
~ Denise Sander

Without Dr. Siegel I’d be dead or in jail now.
~ Doug Mahoney

I have a contentment now I’ve never experienced before. I have a warm sense of being filled up that makes me feel like I never have before. ~ S. English

After meeting Dr. Siegel there’s a joy in my heart that never would have been there otherwise. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. ~ John Vincelli

Every so often I still call Dr. Siegel, just to thank him.
~ Police Chief Doug O.

I feel strong and whole and amazed. Dr. Siegel, I can never repay you for all you’ve done. ~ S. Goldstein
