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Every Sept needs certain garou to serve in positions to keep the Sept working and safe, the eldest of the tribes, breeds, and auspices can't be held to run the sept without them. These positions are an honor to fill, and bring great responsibility. Those who hold these position for the Sept of the Arctic Moon are:

Sept Alpha

The Sept Alpha leads the sept. It is the most honored position, and bears the most responsibility. The Sept Alpha must keep the sept running, and must keep the garou and bawn defended. He leads the hunt into battle, and must stand as the uncorruptable ideal of what it is to be an alpha.

The Sept Alpha is:

Get Some Tail, Athro
Lupus Get of Fenris Ahroun
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Sept Beta

The Sept Beta is the supreme Beta of the sept. His job is to advise the Sept Alpha, and to take over when the Alpha is gone. He often has to play devil's advocate to the thinking of the Alpha, just so that all sides can be considered. An Alpha alone is just a ruler, but with the help of a Beta, an Alpha is a leader.

The Sept Beta is:

Fenwolven, Adren
Homid Glass Walker Ahroun
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Master of Challenges

Garou society is often very confrontational and when disputes can't be settled, often a challenge is called for. The Master of Challenges then comes to watch over a challenge, to make sure it is fair and just as it is performed. They serve as an ultimate judge, and that is why this position is most often found filled by a half moon.

The Master of Challenges is unclaimed

Rite Master

The Rite Master is in many ways in charge of the spiritual well being of the sept. Two perform any rite within the lands of the caern or bawn, a garou must first gain permission from the Rite Master. They are to serve as the head shaman of the sept; when a mediary is needed to the spirit world, often it is the Rite Master who is choosen. This position serves as a reminder and link to the oft forgotten mystical side of the garou nation.

The Rite Master is:

Kyril Strikes-Like-Thunder, Adren
Lupus Uktena Galliard
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Den Father

The position of Den Father while not often considered one of the primary sept positions is still very important. He is responsible to seeing to and caring for the cubs, and often the cliaths of a sept. His is the role of the great teacher, bring forth inspiriation and tradition in the next generation, and keeping them safe in times of war.

The Den Father is unclaimed

Keeper of the Lands

The Keeper of the Lands doesn't have as glorious tasks as the Sept Alpha, as honrable ones as the Master of Challenges, or as mystical as the Rite Master, but her position is important none the less. She takes it upon herself to make sure that the caern, the heart of a sept, is kept clean, and free of things that would taint it's spirit. Her position is quite important, for it is a worse tragedy for a caern to fall from neglect than to be taken in battle.

The Keeper of the Lands is:

Tsuiseki Suruno Ryu, Fostern
Homid Stargazer Theurge
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