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Marie Anakee Living Blog
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
The Flip Side of Alexander Calder
I just posted a new blog at about Rediscovering The Jewelry of Alexander Calder and the ongoing traveling show (click for dates and pictures). One of the few I really want to see this year.

Posted by Author at 2:38 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Shawn Marie Hardy - Honor With Art Project Featured on CNN's Nancy Grace Show
Shawn Marie Hardy of the Honor With Art project just contacted me about her being on the Nancy Grace show tonight at 8pm EST. The Honor With Art project has created a large book filled with art (including one of my koi paintings) from artists all over the world in the hope of bringing light to the plight of missing and exploited children. The altered book of art will be auctioned to raise funds for charities that advocate for the cause. For more information, updates and to view the art in the book visit: Shawn Marie has been working very hard to bring this project together and it was amazing to see it featured on Nancy Grace! Click here to watch the clip on CNN online. Shawn Marie was also chosen as a finalist in Nancy Grace's Extraordinary Parents Contest with her Honor With Art project.

Posted by Author at 11:57 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 23 April 2008 4:30 PM EDT
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Friday, 18 April 2008
Robert Bruce Shares 27 Thoughts On Blogging For The Artist

I just read Robert's post 27 Thoughts On Blogging For The Artist and I say go right over and read it for yourself. It's so right on not just for blogging but for artists who wish to make art for a living in general.

If I made a list it would contain much of what he's said there. I would only add that in terms of blogging be more open and take the time to connect with readers. Don't just push your art (or what have you) up there and then ignore people who send comments and e-mail. Blogging is all about networking at this point. It's not a if you build it they would come sort of thing. There are so many blogs out there already that you run the risk of just becoming more white noise that is never seen by people who care. Sad but very true.

Some of the points by Robert Bruce I really liked and thought true:

1)"If you wouldn’t do it without an audience, don’t do it all." 

2)"There’s never been a worse time to be a working artist (if you’re not truly dedicated to your craft)."

3)"If you’re the real thing, you’ll be around in 30 years, still working. Most of these services and sites you now admire will not." (me: there are so many people I've known who have already given up, some because they ran out of funding and others because of #1.)

4)"You no longer need to live in New York or Los Angeles. See: Hugh." (me: Just like we don't all have to go to Paris anymore either. The Victorian's are all dead now. No one cares. I'm still at a loss as to why some people think they have to come to NYC in order to start their artistic life. This is just not true--you need to start now and where you are.)

Makes me think of the quotes by Mr. Plagens I posted here before.

Many people contact me about becoming an artist and art related things. There isn't any secret to learn or anything I can really pass on. All you have to do is work at it as hard as you can for many years (your whole life). A really great article in this area is at the  Happiness Project, What You Do Everyday is What Counts. If you're an artist or say that you're one, one would think art would be at the top of your list of things to do daily. Looking back at the greats in most cases they produced a lot of works. This makes me think about one of my favorite designers which I covered over at (see Subversive Jewelry To Land at Target), Justin Giunta who posted a picture of his showroom at his website. The number of necklaces and other pieces of jewelry that he created was insane. It's hard to even imagine the amount of work that must have taken, the hours... this is what needs to be done. The painful and the unfun. Skirting by, tossing things up in shows with the hope people will be in awe never works. People always notice and in most cases show their true response with their pocketbook.

There was also a really funny comic in Pink Magazine that showed a woman looking at art with the artist standing next to her. She asks him, "so, how much do you think this will be worth after you're dead?" You really can never know so why do things with that in mind? Do it because you must or do it because you love it.

More soon. -MAM

Posted by Author at 12:56 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 22 April 2008 1:23 AM EDT
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Sunday, 30 March 2008
New Blog Book with a Cause
More old news but it may be new to you which is always good. I was invited to be included in a very interesting book on bloggers. I wrote a full piece for Gave That, New Blogger Book Donates to Doctors. A large update is coming soon!

Posted by Author at 3:04 AM EDT
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Saturday, 15 March 2008
Periodic Table Art Project Gets Major Buzz

I'm rather late with this but check out the article at etsy's Storque blog about Jenn's Periodic Table project (read article here). This project ended up gathering a lot of buzz and was featured on BoingBoing amoung other hot spots. For more on the project check out my link list to the right of the screen (scroll down).

More soon! 


Posted by Author at 4:29 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 22 January 2008
Knock Knock
Topic: Book Buzz
Dr. M. at the Best Picks blog just reviewed some of the best books for the new year, check them out here.  You can also see the same review at the Gave blog.

Posted by Author at 12:44 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 10 February 2008 1:44 AM EST
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Saturday, 29 December 2007
New Years Must Read - 50 Ways to Improve Your Life in 2008

U. S. News & World Report just published online thair "50 Ways to Improve Your Life in 2008" series of articles (a ton of reading) and all I can say is run over there ASAP. The pieces on reading, how to make a "What Not to Do List" in the new year, "Smell the Roses", and so much more are extremly well done and will help you make the sort of life changes you crave in 2008.

Wishing everyone a very happy and safe new years!!

Posted by Author at 3:00 PM EST
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Tuesday, 25 December 2007 Yule Blog 2007

Wishing You All A Very Happy

 Holiday's and Safe New Years!


(cell cam shot : Rockefeller Center NYC 2007)


Also wanted to thank everyone for all of the kind holiday wishes and seasons greetings that have come my way!  See you all next year.

In peace and hope,


Posted by Author at 12:56 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 28 December 2007 9:48 AM EST
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Tuesday, 18 December 2007 Yule Blog

Kenny Scharf said it best (about this time of year):

"Art is social. It's a PARTY, but that doesn't mean everything in it is always happy."

Simple but true. Now back to the party.

Posted by Author at 2:23 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 18 December 2007 2:36 AM EST
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Sunday, 2 December 2007
Outdoor Sports & Skin Cancer
Topic: Skin Cancer Project

I just noticed this article on Dr. M.'s blog that I don't think I posted here yet but, for those who are on holiday in warm spots or who live in one now, this is a really good piece on helping to prevent skin cancer while enjoying the out of door.

From the X-Training Blog.

Look for a winter version soon.


Posted by Author at 1:18 AM EST
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BIO: My blog was started to share event dates and to encourage everyone to seek out new sensations and experience the world firsthand. Here’s to life! -Marie Anakee Miczak
This blog was started in 2003

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