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Lunar Links

This page is a whole lotta' links about Lunar or Lunar related pages that have nothing to do with Lunar.

The place that translated Lords of Lunar. They also have a spoof on my opening, bastards.

The webring to Lunar, so they say. I didn't see any Lords of Lunar pages on it.

Hiro's Homepage of Lunar!A page that actually is about Lunar!! I'm on my way to putting Lunar links on this page. He also has the most excellent background(which he let me borrow) under cool stuff.

HiroOne's Place of Many Interests.I believe he's a different Hiro. Now it's Nexus or something? Whatever!

On her page, she said add her I did. But now it doesn't work....yet i'm not taking the link off? I'm weird.

I use to have this link up. Then it wasn't working, and now I have it up again. The End(by the way, he always gets rid of his pictures, so fawgit' about it).

Dragonmasterkato's Lunar pagePretty good page, has some Lunar stuff in it too. And she's a meanie, my kind of people.

This page is funzies! This page is not funzies anymore!

Althena's SpringYeah, that's right. Wanna fight about it?

One of the better Lunar pages on the net, not that I know. Yet again, no image no more no care.

Althena's Spring page. It has a cool pic of Jean on it, which is good(except she's not in Lord's of Lunar).

Lords of Lunar page. Wait, this is my page, oh well.

Tell me if you want to have your link here.
Only on 2 conditions:
1)It has to be Lunar related, and
2)It doesn't have to be Lunar related(although I might put it on my other link page).

Now, if you want to link me(Althena only knows why), you can put my crappy banner on your page, which took me about 2 minutes to make in Paint. Just copy/paste 'dat image shit up top going to my page..

I actually won an award! A real award too, not a loser one or one I made up. This is the happiest day of my internet life.

Click on it to see who got suckered in to giving it to me, heh heh heh.