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Why did you make a page on Lords of Lunar?
'Cuz i'm no good at Lunar.

How did you come up with this idea?
Long story. First, I played Lords of Lunar. Then I decided to make a page on it.

Are you any good at it?
Hell no.

Do you have a problem?
Yeah, you.

Can I borrow 10 bucks?
No comment.

Personally, I think you're full of poop
That's not a question

How did you come up with such an original name as Lords of Lunar for your page?
Well, after hours upon hours of trying to think of a name, I thought of it. I had tried many names, Lunar Lords, Lunar people who are Lords, Yo 'Mamma's a Lord of Lunar, Warlords. I decided to use Lords of Lunar, because I heard it somewhere before.

You do know the game is called Lords of Lunar, right?
Lords of Whazza?

Isn't a FAQ suppose to be questions on the actual game, not an interview with you?
Lords of Whazza?
