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New AD&D Stuff

Welcome all to the new section. In this section I will descuss all the new equipment, spell, ex. I would be interested in any sugestions you might have for this web page.


Spells, Magic Items, Weapons, Items


Cleric Spells

Level 1

Priest- Level 1
Sphere: Plant
Range: Special
Components: VS
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 25' cube
Duration: Until triggered
Saving Throw: N/A

         This spell enables the cleric to track any living thing that has walked accross an area but first he must know what the thing looked like. For instance the cleric just saw a man run into the woods he saw that it was a man and new the basic outlook of the man there for enabling him to track the man into the woods even though he had never been there before and with no tracks left behind. This is just one example of the spell there are many more varities to this spell. If the cleric knows a woodland area he will be able to track his prey in havethe time. This spell ranges for about a mile plus one mile for every level of the caster.

Level 3

Shooting Spines
Priest- Level 3
Sphere: Plant, Guardian
Range: 120 yds.
Components: VSM
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 50' cube
Duration: Until triggered
Saving Throw: 1/2

         This spell allows a priest to enchant a particular vegetated area to have harmful effects on all those who enter it. The spell causes any sharp spines (such as pine needles, thorns, sharp twigs, cacti spines, etc.) on the plant material within the area of effect to suddenly shoot forth from all directions upon unsuspecting trespassers and enemies. All those within the area of effect when this occurs must initially save vs. spells at -2 or suffer 2d4+2 points of damage from the barrage of needles; a successful saving throw indicates half damage. Another such barrage will occur in each of the following two rounds; however, in these subsequent rounds, saving throws are no longer penalized and damage is reduced to 1d6 and 1d4, respectively. Note that druid characters receive a +1 bonus to the above save due to their bond with nature and their fondness for plants. Also note that the DM can adjust this damage depending on the area in which the spell is cast; for example, an area containing many cacti or pine needles might justify an increase in damage, while a lush tropical forest may cause damage to be reduced. In any case, leaving the area of effect after the first barrage allows one to escape further damage only if initiative is won the following round. Furthermore, creatures entering the area after the initial barrage has fired will still suffer damage according to the round in which they entered, but will never receive a saving throw penalty (having already seen or heard the spines once already), unless they were not anywhere near the area when it went off so as to hear or see it.

         The sharp spines will shoot forth only in response to a trigger specified by the priest at the time of casting. Typical triggers, which can be fairly complex, include: the next individual (or group) entering, the entrance of any bipedal creature - save the priest, the entrance of a particular creature or race, the entrance of anyone not bearing a particular mark or symbol, or upon the priest uttering a special command word. At any given time, no more than two triggers can be placed on a particular area. The enchanted area will remain in effect until triggered or dispelled. Only the casting priest can tell by sight if the spell has been previously triggered, and only a Detect Magic, Find Traps or similar spell or magical device can tell that something is present. Druids find this spell particularly useful for protecting their groves.

         The material components for this spell are the priest's holy symbol and three long, sharp spines from a cactus.

Level 4

Traveling Smoke
Priest- Level 4
Sphere: Elemental, Weather
Range: Touch
Components: VSM
Casting Time: 4 rounds
Area of Effect: 1 person
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Special

         This spell enables the cleric to travel long distances as a giant cloud bird. In this form the cleric can not be attacked nor can he attack anything. The caster can travel at the speed of 60 miles per hour in this form. In order for the spell to work the caster had to have ben in the area he is traveling to. The caster has no control over the cloud except for getting on and getting off. The caster can get off at any time before his desitination. The caster can travel for 3 hours per level of caster. This spell can also be cast on other beings if they desire it. If the oppenent does not wish it the spell will not work.

         The material component needed for this is 1 handfull of frankicense powder and two mistletoe berries.

Wizard Spells

Level 1
Locked Door= The door is locked how do we get through. This spell person casted upon to have the knowledge of 3 level thieve for picking locks, going up by one for every level of the caster then on. This spell can come in very usefull for the heavy adventurer. The component for this spell is one copper key.

Level 3
Bridge= The bridge spell takes the air mass around and sqeezes it together to be able to walk acrross. This spell will only last for 2 rounds per level of caster. The caster needs 2 cups of water, and a piece of wood to cast this spell.


Crystalline Dagger
This dagger is made of pure diamonds and has +3 attack & a +3 damage bonus. So in this case the dagger will inflict 1d6 +3 points of damage but it will cut through leather armor like butter.It is a one of a kind weapon. This weapon was crafted by an old wizard named Ejasemont. The blade had said to be stolen from him during a brawl that had taken place in the Devils Brew Tavern. This dagger when thrown will turn into a fireball inflicting 5d10 points of damage. This affect can only be done once per day. If the fireball affect is used the +3 bonus is ineffective. This weapon can only be used by a wizard of the 6th level or the bonus will actually be a penalty of -1 per level lower than 6.

Sword of Dragons
The sword of dragons was forged my rare metal name soldimatuim found in the colder climates of the world. The attacker equiped with it gets a plus 3 bonus for attcking a dragon and adds two to his saving throw against dragon breath. On all other accasions the sword is just a plain old broadsword. When a dragon is near the sword will glow red in hatred to the dragon. The sword will always try to get it's master to attack the dragon and slay it. It is recomended that a warrior of level 8 or better have this sword. All levels below will have to roll a saving throw versus spell of charm from the sword. If the character is charmed he will surely hunt down the dragon and attemp to kill it.

Heroes Helm
This helm gives all fighters that wear it the power to detect evil at will. This comes in handy if the fighter is any form of the good alignment. The helmet will also give the warrior a place 2 saving throw against evil creaturers. No good heroe should leave the castle without it. This will keep your character alive much longer. This helmet can be bought only by traveling merchants of the land. This helmet should cost no more than 1,500 gold pieces. A small price to pay to live your full life out.


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Magic Items

Book of Astroll
The book of Astroll is a sacred artifact and should not be given to any character with ease. The spells contained inside this book are original spells of the great evil necromancer Astroll. Astroll was the most powerful necromancer in all the land. If his name is mentioned around any other necromancer it is almost for certain that they will know his name and will attempt to harm you to give them the information you know. This is become not many common people know of Astroll because he has been dead for over 2,000 years now. All spells contained in this book are all verbal for the magic power source comes from the deceased soul of Astroll. Any wizard that uses this book must be of evil alignment or suffer the curse of Astroll which is the same curse contained in this book. The spells contained within the book are as follows;

  1. Transport(4th)=This spell allows the caster to be transported anywhere in the world as long as he has been there before or has seen it through visionary spells. This spell can be done twice per day by the cater must rest after each travel for 1 hour or he will now be able to due it again that same day.
  2. Control(5th)=This spell allows the caster to control all undead in an area that he is at even if the undead are already being controlled by another necromancer because the undead are scarce of Astrolls magic. This can be done once per day.
  3. Zombie(5th)=With this spell you can make all your enemies do your will for you. This spell enslaves their physical body to move around at your will. This spell doesn't control their mind. It is similar to the 5th level magic user spell animate dead except the subject is still living. Must make saving throw versus Paralysis, poison, death. The subject to this spell will get a will power attack to this spell once every day the spell is in affect. This spell will last for 1d10 days.
  4. Dragon(6th)=Just about any creature is scared of dragons so for protection against larger creatures that undead could not handle Astroll made this spell to create illusionary dragons that had the same powers of dragons and the intelligence but were under the control of the caster. The illusions are so life like no matter even if the creature being attacked knows that it is an illusion they will still take full damage from the attacks of the illusion. The dragon created will last for 3d8 rounds of battle. This spell takes 2 rounds to form shape.
  5. Mute(7th)=This spell will mute all the spells from a single caster. Every spell the victim cast will have no affect on the person that has cast this spell on to them. This spell will stay in affect for 1d4 days.
  6. Take magic(7th)=Don't you hate it when your trying so hard to stop the wizard from casting that powerful spell that will take out your party or most of it. This spell will the caster to eliminate any spell that is going to be cast from an enemy by simply erasing it from their memory while they are casting it. The victim has no saving throw against this attack for the reason that the wizard getting ready to cast a spell is in deep thought to make his spell work and is not paying attention to a spell being cast upon him.
  7. Enchant anything(8th)=Wow sounds powerful don't it. Well don't get to hot just yet. This spell is combinations of spells all in one. It consist of parts of Enchanted weapon, Enchant an item, and permanency. With the three of these combined together into one it makes this spell the ultimate enchantment spell ever made. But the catch is that it can only be done once per month.
  8. Astroll's curse(9th)= This spell is pretty much a permanent curse. Anyone that is cursed by this spell gets put down to a strength of 6, wisdom of 3, and dexterity of 5. This curse can only be dispelled by the same spell being cast again upon the creature and by means of drinking from the fountain of life. Note this is not the same as the fountain of youth. The fountain of life’s water is a curing fountain that will heal any disease or problem with a creature.
  9. Skeletal pull(9th)=This spell is very dangerous for the fact this spell can rip the skeleton from most any mortal. The mortal must make a saving throw vs. death at a -3 penalty, if saving throw is made they will loose 2d10 damage from the pressure.

Boots of earth
These boots can be worn by any character class. These boots enable the wearer to cause minor tremors of earthquakes. These tremors don't cause any damage at all it is just a scare trip to make enemies to evade. It also allows the wearer to run at great speeds of up to 120' per turn due to the encumbrance of the character. These boots increase the wearer dexterity by 5 when they are worn. And also allows them to walk silently as if they were boots of Elvenkind. Any person wearing these boots will be able to out run just about any vow that will destroy them. These boots are priced at 17,000 g.p..

Snake Ring
The snake ring is an elegantly crafted piece. it is shaped like cobra snake of the color black with eyes that are made of jacinth stones. Inside the mouth of the snake is a rich blue diamond. This piece was last priced at 65,500 g.p.. This ring is for wizards only. Any one that is not a wizard and tries to wear the ring will get shocked for 10 points of damage. There are only four of these rings of known existence. These rings were made by an old powerful wizard named Magis. He had originally made the rings for his students so that they could have a good magic item when they left his training to survive their long journey home. But time has past and the rings have been lost and then found and then lost again. The following powers due not drain charges:

  • dispel magic
  • invisibility
The following powers drain one charge per use:
  • turn flesh to stone
  • shape change
  • monster summoning IV
  • Charm person(as a level 12 wizard)
  • disintegrate metal*
The following powers drain two charges per use:
  • telekinesis**
  • open portals
  • Blast***
*Disintegrate metal does the same affect as the 6th level wizards spell disintegrate except it only disintegrates metal.
**Telekinesis is at 12th level a maximum of 300 pounds.
***Blast creates a ball of pure energy to strict an opponent for great damage. The damage is for 3d10 points of damage.

This is the only ring you will ever need again.