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Egyptian Football Net
Guest Book


Name: Zeyad
E-mail address:
Saturday, December 30th 2000 - 02:15:53 PM
Name: Dr. Mohamed El-Maazawi
E-mail address:
Comments: Thsnk you for an informative site. When outside of Egypt, this is the only site I can find out about Zamalek's football game results. keep up the good work and have a very happy and blessed Ramadan and Eid. 
Monday, December 25th 2000 - 08:54:43 AM
Name: joshua adams
Thursday, November 30th 2000 - 06:58:54 PM
Name: Ehab El Sawy
E-mail address:
Comments: Thank you ya Dr.Tarek for a lovely new look. It was noticeable how fast you manage to update results for the matches. This helps all Egyptian Football lovers keep track of the games. Are there any plans to include Video Clips of the matches or goals on this site? I am sure that would be appreciated by your fans throughout Egypt and the world. 
Thursday, November 30th 2000 - 03:54:47 AM
Name: Nedal I. K. Shehada
E-mail address:
Saturday, November 25th 2000 - 01:03:40 PM
Name: ehab elsawy
E-mail address:
Comments: Salamu Alaykum ya Dr.Said! Thank you so much for this wonderful website that keeps me updated on my country's sports results. I don't know if you read these emails or not, but I am announcing this site to all in London to know about it. From all of us here in the United Kingdom...Thank you so so so so so so so so much! ehab elsawy, egyptian in London, UK
Thursday, October 19th 2000 - 09:53:20 AM
Name: Andre
E-mail address:
Comments: Hello, Greetings from the Netherlands, you build a great site, lot of compliments. It was a pleasure to visit it, and I will promote your site by my Internet friends. I hope you want to visit our site; it is a soccer site about our soccer club r.k.s.v. Oisterwijk from the Netherlands. Our URL is Would you also send a message to our guest book I should appreciate that. Lot of greetings Andre Nouwens. 
Saturday, October 7th 2000 - 03:07:00 PM
Name: Mamo Gebrehiwot
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:
Comments: I just want to commend you on a wonderful job you're doing in promoting both Egyptian and African soccer. I often visit your site, which I think has plenty of up-to-date information and plenty of records. I just hope you will continue this wonderful job. Mamo Gebrehiwot 
Tuesday, August 29th 2000 - 10:08:01 PM
Name: Hussam Fatahalla
E-mail address:
Comments: Hi Dr Tarek My name is Hussam Fatahalla, and I am a football fan. I was trying to get the league schedule for next year from both the federation and Ahly club but no body seemed to have it. Upon cheking your site, I was surprised to find it here!! I was wondering why the second half of the league has no set dates?is this the schedule that was announced by the egyptian federation in the press conference? I am sorry if I am asking too many questions but it is just that i tried very hard to get this information so i was wondering where you got it from. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and hoping to hear from you soon Hussam Fatahalla
Tuesday, August 15th 2000 - 11:46:18 AM
Name: Reinhard Käppel
E-mail address:
Comments: congratulations, a very nice web-site!!! I am from Germany and a great collector of football badges (pins). I am lloking for an exchange partner in Egypt or other Arabian countries. Reinhard Käppel, Marktplatz 7,95234 Sparneck, Germany
Sunday, July 30th 2000 - 02:33:45 PM
E-mail address:
Comments: Dear Dr.Tarek: I'm glad to find your site while I was searching about Ismaili clup. thanks for you and good luck.
Friday, July 28th 2000 - 04:35:03 PM
Comments: Great site. I was looking at the football stuff, keep up the lists and archive as much as possible. One thing though, the names ?! I don't know much about Egypt or the language but is there a standard way of translating into the Roman alphabet ? I ask because, for example, I have seen a player you list as "Abdel Zaher El-Saqua" written elsewhere as "Abd El-Zaher El-Sakka". With the inclusion or omission of what I guess are middle names I don't know if what I'm reading is the same player. Perhaps you could give a little explanation somewhere for idiots like myself ? Meanwhile .. I'm still looking at the football stuff ..
Tuesday, July 18th 2000 - 01:18:22 AM
Name: Gil Prescott
E-mail address:
Comments: A very good and informative site. I have just returned home after three weeks in Egypt and love your country very much. I have been National Coach to the ADF in Saudi Arabia where my players came from all the top clubs Ittahad Shebab, and Al aly we were unbeaten for the full year. Iam now working as Director of Football in the English Nationwide League where we have won fifteen trophies in seven years including a win at Wembley. I would very much like the opportunity to manage a top club in Egypt. Regards. Gil.
Sunday, July 9th 2000 - 08:35:21 PM
Name: Patterson Ewton
E-mail address:
Comments: You have a very informative and well planned site. I'm sure there are many people all over the world who are grateful to you for taking your valuable time to keep this up-dated. I found your site while trying to locate information on the sport of fencing in Egypt. Here,in the USA, I have noticed that many of the top-notch tournament fencers are from Egypt. I teach fencing and would like very much to make contact with some of your fencing masters. If possible, please, pass my name and address on to any you may know. Thanks. 
Wednesday, June 28th 2000 - 11:43:37 AM
Name: Mahmoud Mohamed
E-mail address:
Comments: i want to help me about make homepage about soccer gameing in egypt as Fifa99 , fifa200,euro2000and fifa2001
Wednesday, June 28th 2000 - 02:35:35 AM
Name: M.Hamed Soliman
E-mail address:
Comments: I strongly support your efforts and appreciate the updating news which we as out5side Egyptians need it badly .Go on and our praying to ALLAH to save our country fromany bad events . AL SALLAMO ALIKOM YOURS FAITHFULLY MOHAMED .SOLIMAN 
Saturday, June 24th 2000 - 05:52:06 PM
Name: Adnan mohamed
E-mail address:
Comments: hello this is a very nice site
Tuesday, June 20th 2000 - 07:23:23 PM
Name: Hager
E-mail address:
Monday, June 12th 2000 - 10:11:18 PM
Name: Mohammed Ahmed
E-mail address:
Comments: iam very very happy from MR. TAREK AHMED for doing this very important site but i want from him to do someting addtional : "update all results immediatly after the end of every match. 
Sunday, May 14th 2000 - 09:35:45 PM
E-mail address:
Comments: Dear Dr Darek ! Congratulations for your fantastic site.Thanks you we can receive many iformations about football in Africa. I'm football fan from Poland and collector badges /pins / from football clubs and federations all the world.I'm looking pins from Egypt clubs and others African countrys.I can send many pins from Poland and would like exchange this with friends from Africa.I will be happy for any help. Thank you in advance.With best wishes. Henryk Bak 41-506 Chorzow P.O.BOX 54 POLAND 
Thursday, May 11th 2000 - 12:47:19 AM
Name: Randal Charlton
E-mail address:
Comments: An absolutely first class site.Congratulations. I would like to link my site to yours.
Saturday, May 6th 2000 - 06:14:17 AM
Name: Ibrahim Mohammed kassem
E-mail address:
Comments: I like zamalek.
Wednesday, May 3rd 2000 - 03:24:27 AM
Name: kais KTHIRI
E-mail address:
Comments: Salut cher ami Tarek... je viens de découvrir ton site sur le "Sport Egyptien" sur le Net et je dois dire que ça m'a vraiment plu surtout qu'il contient plusieurs autres liens très interessants.En fait,j'ai voulu t'envoyer ce message pour t'exprimer mon grand intérêt pour la recherche de sites et de pages Web sur tous les clubs arabes en particulier pour essayer alors d'enrichir et de complèter ma base de données sur le football(et le sport en général)dans le monde... tu sais quoi,j'ai essayé pas mal de fois de chercher des liens sur le football arabe et égyptien mais j'ai pas pu avoir grand-chose... et de ce fait,dès que j'ai trouvé ton site je t'ai envoyé cet e-mail pour te remercier d'abord pour ce joli site et pour te demander de me rendre un grand service en me communicant la liste de tous les sites que tu connais et qui touchent de près ou de loin au sport arabe et égyptien et même aux média(journaux,magazines,TV),à la culture et aux arts(Musique audio et vidéo,histoire..) moi de mon tour je te promet de faire de mon mieux pour t'informer de tous les sites que je connais sur la Tunisie et le Maghreb Arabe d'une façon générale:à propos,j'ai oubliè de te dire déjà que je suis un jeune tunisien et un supporter fidèle de l'Espérance Sportive de Tunis... maintenant,je te laisse alors en espèrant d'avoir de tes nouvelles et de recevoir ta réponse le plutôt possible... Amicalement... Kaïs. 
Tuesday, May 2nd 2000 - 04:52:29 AM
Name: motaz abouel azm
E-mail address:
Comments: this is one hell of a great site! one of the best i have ever seen up till now ! informative, colourful and intelligent. thanks for the effort! :-)
Sunday, April 23rd 2000 - 03:56:34 PM
Name: Mohamed Mamdouh
E-mail address:
Comments: Dr. Tarek , I would like to thank you for this beautiful site , It's great , alt of pic , and news, it's really nice from u . nice work DR, and I would like to ask you if there is a hope to have some vedios in this site, maybe a Gols ??? anyway its sooooooo good , thank you again , and happy life oh , you got soo beautifull boys { Rabena ye 7'alihomlak} :o) Zamalkawaya Tab3an ?????? frome one , the ball ate his head :o) Mido
Saturday, April 22nd 2000 - 02:11:24 PM
Name: Hiba Kotat.
E-mail address:
Comments: A wonderful website Dr.Said,thankyou very much for your hard work and keep up. 
Friday, April 21st 2000 - 08:28:12 AM
Name: Fahim Al-Neshawy
E-mail address:
Comments: Dear Dr. Tarek My name is Fahim Al-Neshawy, an Egyptian living in Finland. I just visited your site about the Egyptian Sports and it is really a good work. all the best for you. Greeting from Finland and have a nice Summer.
Tuesday, April 18th 2000 - 08:53:17 PM
Name: Samir Khoury
E-mail address:
Comments: Dr. Said, Allow me to thank you so much. what a page full of information. I live in Canada, and strive for news and history of the sports in Egypt. I am very impressed, and I hope to keep the contact. Congratulations "HAGA AZEEMA" 
Monday, April 17th 2000 - 02:31:56 PM
Name: Hani Salah
E-mail address:
Comments: keep updating this excellent site please
Saturday, April 8th 2000 - 07:05:13 AM
Name: Mohamed Mandour
E-mail address:
Friday, March 17th 2000 - 04:53:34 AM
E-mail address:
Comments: IN A Word,GREAT SITE...
Tuesday, March 14th 2000 - 08:31:25 AM
Name: Marwoosh
E-mail address:
Comments: I really can't believe we have such a database for the egyptian sports and especially soccer available on the internet . Thanx Dr. Tarek for that great work , and i hope u will keep it on the same level .
Saturday, March 11th 2000 - 09:26:13 AM
Name: Ulrich Matheja
E-mail address:
Comments: Dear Sir, We are kicker-sportmagazin, Germany's oldest sports magazine. Each Thursday we have a birthday column. On Friday, 10 March, Egyptian international Hany Ramzy will be 31. Therfore we need his exact number of caps for Egypt. We would be very grateful if you could help us. We need the answer until Wednesday morning. Thank you very much in advance. Yours sincerely, Ulrich Matheja kicker-sportmagazin
Monday, March 6th 2000 - 08:52:26 PM
Name: anwar hussain
E-mail address:
Comments: Dr. Said, I must commend you on the excellent job you have done with your website, it is second to none. I have been in Canada for twenty years and did not have access to all the Zamalek news, but thanks to you i am caught up now. Keep up with the great work. Regards. Anwar Hussain. P.S. GO ZAMALEK GO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, March 3rd 2000 - 02:04:35 PM
Name: Dr. Dries Vanysacker
Comments: Dear Sir, i wish to congratulate you for your magnificent page on Egyptian soccer. Please see my webpage on Nader El Sayed: If you have any further information on Nader, please let me know! Sincerely yours, Dr. Dries Vanysacker
Thursday, March 2nd 2000 - 12:59:10 AM
Name: Ayman Ghonaim
E-mail address:
Comments: thanks for this incridable effort. Valuable and Accurat information. if i can say any comment, please enhance the background design and increase the graphical buttons for navigations 
Monday, February 14th 2000 - 04:26:30 PM
Name: Heba Zeid
E-mail address:
Comments: I think this is the best thing you can ever do, it is such a cool site.
Saturday, February 12th 2000 - 06:58:14 AM
Name: Sameh Youssef
E-mail address:
Comments: Great site keep it up Sam 
Saturday, February 12th 2000 - 05:30:24 AM
E-mail address:
Friday, February 4th 2000 - 07:05:23 PM
Name: Tarek Hamdi
E-mail address:
Comments: Hello Dr. Tarek :) My name's Tarek Hamdi. I'm a visitor of your page. I just wanted to tell u that I love your work. Your site's wonderfull it has almost everything about Egyptian soccer. I wish u the best of luck and keep up the gr8 work. With lots of love yours Tarek
Friday, January 21st 2000 - 05:39:09 PM
Name: Amjad Abul Huda
Comments: Hi, Thanks for such an informative site. I enjoy watching Egyptian Football and I am a big supporter of Zamalek and hope they win the cup and the league. I would appreciate if someone could give me the address for Zamalek's website. Bye....Amjad. Amman, Jordan.
Friday, January 7th 2000 - 10:49:12 AM
Name: Susan M. Stewart
E-mail address:
Comments: Very informative, easy to navigate and a pleasure to read....Bravo!
Thursday, December 30th 1999 - 09:19:20 AM
Name: Samir Sharobim
E-mail address:
Comments: It is very good efforts Dr Tarek, I consider your page as the best site for egyptian sports. Keep up and we all behind you.
Friday, December 17th 1999 - 05:45:22 AM
Name: Ibrahim kassem
E-mail address:
Comments: I am from younstown ohio U S A. I like zamalek
Thursday, December 16th 1999 - 07:08:26 AM
Name: Mohamed Selim
E-mail address:
Thursday, December 9th 1999 - 09:23:01 AM
Name: Ayman Tawfik
E-mail address:
Comments: Dear dr Tarek, I was using the ahly forum to know the zamalek/ahly match results, there was unpolite msgs about zamalek has no site and other things, so after zamlek won the macth i decided to create a zamalek forum similar to the ahly one, it took 1 hour, i posted a msg about it in ahly forum but the admin deleted it, i want u to let as many people as possible know about it or even create a visible link for it on ur site, and send it also to ur mail lists, i appreciate ur effort, ur site is great. the site is plz reply to me by email if possible Regards
Monday, December 6th 1999 - 09:52:29 AM
Name: Yasser Taraboulsi
E-mail address:
Comments: HI there. I have been searching on the Web about one Egyptian Pro Tennis Player. He played in Wimbledon in the early 70's as fare as i know. His Name is ISMAEL El SHAFAY (Excuse the Spelling) If anyone knows where i can get information on him in the web please direct me. Thank you/ 
Monday, November 22nd 1999 - 01:26:31 PM

Name: Bahaa
E-mail address:
Comments: nice effort THANKs
Thursday, November 11th 1999 - 10:11:26 AM
Name: Vennissia Davies
E-mail address:
Friday, October 29th 1999 - 02:17:39 PM
Name: DR. Mounir
E-mail address:
Saturday, October 23rd 1999 - 08:31:12 PM
Name: Dieter Pohl
E-mail address:
Comments: We registered your URL on our Internet pages. On our NEW-LINKS page you can see to which category we them to have taken up. Dieter Pohl, Webmaster Our pages with soccer clubs world-wide: Like You our pages? You can link us. Here you can submit other pages: VISIT AND WIN: 
Tuesday, October 12th 1999 - 11:55:32 AM
Name: atef darwish
E-mail address:
Wednesday, October 6th 1999 - 01:13:44 AM
Name: Tamer Hasan
Comments: Dr. Tarek, inta oztak.......... You many information , basicallly everything. The part I like most is the Zamalek section. I was reveiving the coaches history section and I realized the Zamalek never maintains the same coach after 2 seasons, that if he succeeds not to be sacked after the first season. What surprised me, is the year of 1983 I think where they were behind 1pt from ahly who won the league. It was abu regala, then ahmed rifaat, why abu regelaa resigned thats eason? Also another season there was a foreign coach replaced by Zaki Osman, then replaced by Hasan Shehata, and Zamalek was not that far from ahly, was 1 pt also ? I am wondering why they are making all these changes. It will also be great if you can add a Zamalek forum in this page. 
Sunday, October 3rd 1999 - 07:32:08 PM
Name: Tamer Mostafa
E-mail address:
Comments: This is really the best egyptian soccer page I have seen so far. Before i visited this website, I thought ahly's website was the best because it is always updated and has lots of news. But your website has literrly everything anyone needs to know about egyptian soccer. if your zamalekawi, I suggest you make a homepage for Zamalek. I cant think of anyone better to make a good homepage for a great team such as zamalek. Good Luck and thank you for your effort. Tamer
Sunday, September 26th 1999 - 06:15:52 AM
Name: Trevor Thompson
E-mail address:
Comments: Dr Said, Congratulations on your excellent Egyptian soccer site! I wonder if you can help me with some Egyptian details of the Egypt v Australia match played on June 19, 1987 in Seoul (0- 0 draw, 4-3 penalties to Australia). I am looking for the Egyptian team line-up, including, if possible, the clubs the players came from at that time. If you do not have these details, can you advise me as to where I might find them? 
Wednesday, September 22nd 1999 - 07:18:51 AM
Name: mohammed abd el-fattah
E-mail address:
Comments: Dr.Tarek .... After 15 monthes of touring the web,I never seen such a great site ! 
Sunday, September 5th 1999 - 10:21:12 PM
Name: Mamdouh
E-mail address:
Saturday, August 21st 1999 - 12:12:44 AM
Name: Vanysacker Dries
E-mail address: Dries. Vanysacker. arts.
Comments: Dear Sir, is it possibile to give me an overview of all the games Ibrahim Nader El Sayed played for the national team of Egypt, the friendly games and tournements included? It would be for me a great pleasure. I'm preparing a book on Nader in Belgium. Many thanks. My adress: Dries VANYSACKER, BERGESTRAAT 30, B-3220 HOLSBEEK, BELGIUM
Friday, July 2nd 1999 - 09:02:56 AM
Name: Moetaz Osman Samir
E-mail address:
Comments: We need more detials in Arabic language in all aspects 
Saturday, June 26th 1999 - 06:05:56 PM
Name: reda maher
E-mail address:
Comments: hello, Dr Tarek! i found your website whilst viewing the egyptian soccer website, and am quite impressed.i take it that you are inclined towards zamalek [nice], and i was wondering if it is possible to get hold of replica shirts [also for the national team]? i'm a biochem student at oxford uni in england, and live in london.yes, that's right, i am "engleeesh".if there's any way that i could get these shirts i would appreciate a reply.thanks, and keep up the good work! yours, Reda Maher ps i saw the travesty that was the ahly-zamalek game.i do not understand the need to get foreign referees for league matches-egyptian referees are good enough and there is no difference between an amateur ref in italy, germany or england and one in egypt.they are AMATEUERS-a local ref would have been far more sensitive to the situation and therefore infinitely preferable.still, that does not condone tyhe behaviour of gaffaar and the players. bye! 
Monday, June 7th 1999 - 04:31:51 PM
Name: Majed
E-mail address:
Wednesday, May 19th 1999 - 11:22:46 PM
Name: Hussein abdel -khalek
E-mail address:
Comments: this is a world class web side , I would like to take the chance to thank and congetulate you .keep the good work up. 
Sunday, April 18th 1999 - 10:08:37 PM
Name: Mohammad S. Hamdan
E-mail address:
Comments: Hi, one of the best sites, keep up the good and hard work.
Sunday, March 7th 1999 - 04:09:38 AM
Name: Hossam S.H. Makar 
E-mail address:
Comments: Dear Tarek This is a very well organized work. It is very helpful for people living outside Egypt. Carry on Hossam Sarwat
Sunday, February 28th 1999 - 02:24:40 AM
Name: Frank FOURAGE
E-mail address:
Comments: I am willing to organise one or two football matches in Egypt with a french football team (Lens, Metz ,et.) As an agent of the French football League, I am looking for the right contact in Egypt for such event. If you know who can be such contact, please send back one messago to my e- mail address. Thanks Frank FOURAGE
Wednesday, February 3rd 1999 - 02:39:08 PM
Name: Louay El-Sharkawy
E-mail address:
Comments: A very good and informative site. Go on
Tuesday, February 2nd 1999 - 11:15:04 PM