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4. Also ask what type of facilities these variable rates, if any, apply. For example, would your rates ever vary for procedures performed in your doctor's office. "Variable copays" seem to only pertain to hospitals, outpatient centers, specialized facilities such as rehab centers, and surgery centers, but it never hurts to be sure you have all of the information. Personally, I would avoid these types of plans because it seems to me that it gives a provider/insurance company a possible loophole. While you could appeal an insurance company's partial payment or outright denial of payment and can prove what the actual schedule fees were at the time services were rendered, I wouldn't want to go through that hassle especially at a time when I need insurance the most. The difference in savings between a variable copay and non-variable copay policies would have to be very substantial and the insurance company would have to be reputable at servicing its claims. (I apologize that I couldn't post the actual site where I found this information. My browser locked up on me just as I was about to cut and paste the URL for you.)


Term life insurance


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