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typically in order for an insurance company to cover a plastic surgery, the surgery needs to be deemed medically necessary. Reconstructive surgery is considered medically necessary by many insurance companies if you are receiving reconstructive surgery after an accident or an additional medically necessary surgery (for example, breast reconstruction after a masectomy).

nasal surgery performed with a diagnosis of deviated septum are considered medically necessary and normally some cosmetic repair is performed at the same time.

Breast reduction can be medically necessary in certain circumstances.

what is typically not medically necessary is breast implants (no previous masectomy), face lifts, liposuction, abdominoplasty to remove excess skin around the abdomen, etc.

Plan provisions vary widely. Even one insurance carrier can have 20 different plans available, each with variances regarding covered/non covered services. It is always best to contact your insurance company directly.


Term life insurance


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