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2) The accumulation account value multiplied by the applicable percentage from the table of Death Benefit Percentages shown below."

You see what I mean, most people don't read their policies and when they start I'm sure they get dizzy on account of the way it is written, and don't think it was by accident either. I believe that policies are designed that way on purpose to discourage anyone from just picking it up and reading it.

That's why in the front of the policy is says "This is a contract, PLEASE read it carefully." what a joke!!!

In any case, I say Buy Term and Invest the Difference" like my wife and I have. You won't be sorry!!! If you want me to reffer you to someone go ahead and email me, I'll be glad to help out and also THANKS to FaqFarm for the opportunity to respond.

I welcome any comments or views, just don't think I'll automatically agree, I AM VERY knowledgable about life insurance and the "scams" comapnies and their agents pull against American Families.


Term life insurance


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