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Carl Rogers (1902-1987)

Who Was He?

Born in 1902 in Oak Park, Illinois, Carl Ransom Rogers was called the father of client/person-centered therapy. Throughout his career he dedicated himself to humanistic psychology and created the study of personality development.

He started his humanistic concept while studying abused children. He tried to change the world of psychotherapy when he claimed that psychoanalytic, experimental, and behavioral therapists were keeping their clients from reaching self-realization and self-growth due to their authoratative analysis.

Rogers proposed that therapists should let patients discover the solution to their problem for themselves. Rogers recieved a large ammount of praise for his theory and was awarded many high honors. through his extensive efforts in showing his theories through books, lectures he gained lots of loyal folowers as well as those who seriously disagreed with his theories. He was responsible for creating the modern-day method of psychotherapy


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