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Acadian Non-Denominational Church

ONE GOD - Many Names / ONE SON - Many Paths / ONE TRUTH - Many Paths

Founded By
Rev. Danny Lee Turner TH.D .

We are Associated With
Rev. Ernest A. Steadman D.D.
Founder Of
The Church Of Interfaith Christians

Welcome to our church.

Who we are.

We are a church that believes in The LORD JESUS CHRIST

That Jesus is the SON of GOD and that he came here to earth born of the Virgin Mary,

Was baptized by John the Baptist in the River Jordan , and took onto his self the sins of the world past, present and future, and then died and shed his blood on the cross to redeem us from Sin.

That He was raised from the dead after three days and that before returning to His Father in Heaven, He visited and spoke to many cultures, in many nations.

We believe that anyone that accepts what the Lord did for them and asks Him to forgive them,That they will be forgiven by him and enter into the Kingdom Of God.

We also believe that because of the many culture's that exist on Earth that God thru his mercy and grace has reviled his self to these culture's in a way that they will understand the universal truth

We believe that God has many name's that he use's to reach these culture's,That His One Son has traveled upon many Path's to reach these culture's, and that there is One Truth that has many faiths so to bring these culture's into the Kingdom Of God.

Rev. Danny Lee Turner TH.D

Acadian Non-Denominational Church Interfaith School


Member Of

copyright© 2009 By Rev. Danny Lee Turner TH.D