welcome  gNC hS  batch '86 graduate!

the only official ptk website!

WELCOME!   This website  was created by Jerome. Why? Because we want to continue to get together with our friends from high school and reminisce about the past  albeit on the net. It's been more than 20 years since we said goodbye to our alma mater GNC for Guagua National Colleges or GiNuCo, something Jim C. made up when a GNC security guard would not let him in because he was wearing shorts.

Many things have changed both in our personal and professional life. We have grown older and maybe a bit wiser, but I know that we are still teenagers inside. I know we still like to have a bit of a laugh, share a joke or story and talk about some of the people we know from our high school.

We still remember the times we spent hanging around under the sampalok tree, the programs, the proms (I hope they aren't still being held in the afternoon!!!), and some of the nice and "terror" teachers we had. 

So please have a good look around our website, register yourself so we can have details about you and get yourself an email address. Any contributions such as stories, jokes and photos of any nature relating to our batch will be greatly appreciated.

You can also keep us informed of any planned activities.

Enough reading for you and typing for me, (now I know why we had to take Mr. Yap's typing class). 

Thank you for visiting the site , please do come back regularly to check for updates and remember that when you pray , you have to "pray sitting down"!!

Regards to you and your family,


Main page What's inside this website
Photo Gallery 

Send us recent photos of yourself, your family, old photos, scanned documents etc so we can post them and reminisce about the "good ole days".  Photo Gallery 1, 2 and 3 are now available with a limited number of photos but we are sure u will get a kick out of them.


Keep yourself updated with what’s happening with our batch. Reports on previous activities and announcements on planned gigs are posted on this page.


Register Now!

Stand up and be counted! See if you know anyone on the list. Better yet, have yourself listed if you have not done so. We are building our batch directory so don’t be left out.

this website is still in its infancy so we have to make it grow and nurture it to improve it  and in consequence, perhaps, it will be something of a tool to make our bonds a bit stronger. 



Here you can read something to make you think of the crazy things we did.. Send us your favorite stories from the past. anything funny, amusing or just something to make us remember the good times we had. Anything you can possibly think of.



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