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From: Barb Pickard <>


Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 09:19:17 +0100

Subject: From the Eden Township Trustees


Dear Mr. Hale,

            The trustees of Eden Township have instructed me to inform you that  inactive and neglected cemeteries are under the protection of the county supervisors.

            Since our money is a tax based on the levy system, we do not tax

for this cemetery.  We tax for the cemetery that we own.

            You could receive more information from the Marshall County



            Thank you for your interest.


                                                                        Barbara Pickard

                                                                        Clerk of

                                                                        Eden Township Trustees


(But what about the money allowed for "non-owned cemeteries" in your budget?

Allowed: 0.06750, asked: 0.04503 /H/)


Trustee Letter

Trustee Budget