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My Fan Fiction Page! Feel Privileged!

My Mecha-Koopas and I are about to pummel Mario!

This is the fan fiction library. Like the rest of my site, it unfortunately, is not all here yet. But I will soon have a few select pieces from authors I deem worthy to visit my page. SO GET TO READING OR GET LOST!!!

My Wondrous Works!

Nothing here yet I'm afraid. I'm workin' on it though.

The Writings of Lesser Beings

Love is Acceptance, by Karma Koopa
The Forgotten Prince, by Jazzman von Koopa
You Can't Hide from the Truth, by Jazzman von Koopa
The Good, the Bad, and the Pikachu, by Mewd
Koopa Bond, by Mewd
Friday the Thirteenth, by Lemmy Koopa
A Waste of Time (Yours), by Lemmy Koopa
A Day as Lemmy, by Smash

Finished already? Then let's move on, shall we?


Email me if you've got a fanfic you want on this page. Note that as the almighty Koopa King, I reserve the right to dump out anything I receive, and I will NOT post anything explicit! Larry comes to this site, you know!