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Up ] Margeret River ] Eagle Heritage ] Elephant Rock ] Sugarloaf Rock ] [ Yallingup Cave ] Jewel Cave ]

I thought these were pretty neat.  It never ceases to amaze me that it has taken thousands of years for these to form.  There is a small charge to enter these caves, and you will have a guide with you to show you the great bits, but...... PLEASE!!!  DO NOT TOUCH THE FORMATIONS!

Don't be like some arrogant tourists who, the first thing they do when told NOT to is TOUCH!  You will be explained by the guide that this affects them greatly!  I would like my children to see them Please!

I believe these ones are a sheet formation. Another type of Stalagtite.  Some of these caves have terrific sheets in them.  They have lit them from behind to show you how thin some of them are.  Unbelievable!

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