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WHO'S WATCHING WHOO? Mr. Brown Owl!  Are you awake?
One of my favorite photo's of a barn owl.

This shot was taken at the Eagle Heritage Farm, a short drive outside the township of Margaret River.  We became very good friends after this!

This little chap seemed to be too exhausted with all the tourists during the day to say hello.  So I let him sleep it off.  Not very good day people these birds!
Sea Eagle The Wedgetail Eagle
One of the coolest looking Eagles besides the Wedgetail.  This one had a real neat attitude too!  We flew over to be closer to me when I was taking this shot. "Well hello there missy!  Want to take a picture do you?  Well hang on a sec, I'll be with you in just a moment".  I've loved these beauty's since I was a mere child of 5.  Just couldn't take my eyes of them!  Probably cause they could fly and I couldn't!
The mighty Wedgetail Eagle
Such a regal character this one!  Just stood there and posed like a true professional!

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