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8th Grade SEEK: Tolerance [Ways: Japanese Internment (Relocation) Camps]
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Japanese Internment (Relocation) Camps

See also "Japanese" in races section.

"The remains of one of the most shameful acts committed by the United States government this century can be found between the towns of Lone Pine and Independence in California’s Owens Valley at a place called Manzanar. Here and at nine other locations in the U.S., thousands of individuals, nearly two thirds American citizens, were rounded up and held in concentration camps during World War II."- Manzanar Webpage

December 7th, 1941: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii is bombed by Japan. A few days later, America declares war on Japan. Japanese Americans and Japanese aliens in America are looked at differently. They are looked at as the enemy.

On December 21, 1941, there was an order for all Japanese aliens living in the country to give up there shorthand radios.

there was a poster. It ordered all people who are or are related to Japan to go to Assembly Centers that would take them to "War Relocation Camps." The familes could only bring all that they could carrytransportation to "War Relocation Camps." Over 110,000 Japs of American birth and choice were taken to Manzanar and nine other camps. They were imprisoned in the camps.

In Feb. 1942, President FDR signed Exective Order 9066. He later signed Executive Order 9102. That empowered men to round up 70,000 Japanese Americans. 42,000 Japanese aliens were rounded up. Farmers and fishermen, old women, and children were some of these people. They were taken to awful concentration camps like Manzanar. They were west of Death Valley, California.

The Japanese who were in the camps were forced out. Some people were angry about how the government took away their rights to live among others. They were released to society with no where to go.

Several books can describe the expeirence well. The book named Farewell To Manzanar is an auto-biography through the life of one Japanese American family during WWII.

People who did not go to the camps were arrested.

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