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Title: The Needs of the Many
Author: James Trevena
Rating: G

Summary: Voyager meets a finds a mysterious planet, a strange guy, has anti-matter problems, and kinda, but not really, gets home.
Historian's Note: This story takes place during the final months of the Starship Voyager's first year's trek through the Delta Quadrant.

The bridge was quiet and empty with the warp engines and environmental controls being the only audible sounds, a youthful ensign paced the deck plates.

"Ships log, Stardate 48676.7, Ensign Harry Kim reporting. After nearly three weeks of repeated Kazon attacks the crew of the U.S.S. Voyager has finally received a few days of peace."

Harry walked to the replicator and requested a beverage, "Vulcan Mocha extra sweet." He stepped back to the command chair, sat down and resumed dictating his log.

"Although casualties and ships damage were minimal, we are scanning for a class M planet, in order to land Voyager and perform vital repairs to the fuel cells."

The Intrepid class Voyager unceasingly swept through the cosmos of the Delta Quadrant running full sensor sweeps while still keeping her somber mystique.

Harry sipped the last of his coffee and realized he's now alone with what feared him most, his own memories. While he gazed at the viewscreen with void expression, the beauty of every heavenly body reminded him of Libby and how he will never feel her touch again. In the midst of his thoughts the sensor alarms sounded giving Harry the proverbial pinch reminding him of his duties as a Starfleet officer. Harry reached for the comm. panel,and called Commander Chakotay as ordered to inform him that sensors had found a planetoid that would serve their needs. The Commander praised the junior officers good work. He ordered Harry to hold position and get the senior staff up there. Chakotay would inform the Captain himself.

With the staff now assembled on the bridge, Captain Janeway stepped off the turbolift and made her way to the command chair.

"Mr. Kim, report," she said in a benevolent but authoritative tone.

With an inner confidence he never felt before he strode to the science station to bring up the data. The sensors indicated a class M planetoid, high in nitrogen but still within safety standards. A preliminary geological survey showed possible concentrations of dilithium. Harry reported his findings to the bridge crew.

"Dilithium, are you sure Harry?" B'Elanna Torres said with a tone of enthusiasm.

"I can't be sure at this range," Harry replied, "the survey was only preliminary.

Janeway approached the science station and picked up the report and said, "I think this data justifies a closer look. Set a course Mr. Paris full impulse. Good work Harry."

Voyager settled into orbit of the small world and Captain Janeway called together her senior officers. She requested that Chakotay assemble a small landing party and do a more thorough survey before landing Voyager.

The landing party consisting of Commander Chakotay, Lieutenant Tuvok, Lieutenant Paris and Ensign Mendes, a young but enthusiastic engineer assembled in transporter room two. Ensign Mendes came highly recommended by Lieutenant Torres as the ships dilithium fuel expert.

The compliment materialized in what appeared to be a grassy meadow. Chakotay reminded his team that time was precious, and demanded immediate tricorder readings. Mendes was ordered to scan for dilithium. While analyzing soil samples, Chakotays comm. badge beeped. He responded to discover that Lieutenant Tuvok had tricorder readings that required his attention.

Moments later Chakotay approached Lieutenant Tuvok and Ensign Mendes who were standing on the edge of a wooded area. Chakotay inquired about Tuvok’s findings. Without changing the tone of his voice Tuvok dictated to the commander that Ensign Mendes had determined that the dilithium readings were originating three-hundred meters to their east. Chakotay feeling the mission was nearly accomplished reached for his comm. badge to signal Lieutenant Paris, when Tuvok interrupted his action. Tuvok advised caution for in addition to Ensign Mendes’ dilithium readings he picked up two life signs from the same coordinates. Chakotay took Tuvok’s tricorder in hand and stared at the readings with a look of puzzlement. "Theory Lieutenant?" asked Chakotay.

Tuvok pointed to the tricorder and told Chakotay that one life sign was without a doubt human but he was unable to explain the other. Chakotay trusted Tuvok’s judgment, and told him that his personal opinion would be all the explanation necessary. After a brief pause Tuvok reluctantly relayed to Chakotay that the readings on the second life sign were only partially human. Chakotay inquired as to the other readings.

Tuvok double checked the tricorder and without hesitation said, "Energy Sir, Pure Energy of unknown origin."

Chakotay realizing this situation needed closer investigation called Lieutenant Paris away from his botanical survey to join the rest of the landing party. Without haste Lieutenant Paris arrived to find his crewmates comparing tricorder readings. Chakotay asked for Lieutenant Paris' findings.

Paris reported that he had found a large variety of vegetation, although not very appealing, tricorder scans revealed it to be edible. Trying to express humor, Paris joked that Neelix being the master of unappealing cuisine should find many uses for them.Chakotay smiled at Lieutenant Paris bit of humor, and then briefed him on Tuvok and Mendes findings. He hailed Voyager and apprised them of the current situation. Janeway responded by telling Chakotay to proceed with caution and said she would keep a transporter lock on them. Voyager would be able to get them out at the first sign of trouble. Janeway again stressed the use of caution and requested that Chakotay report in if they find anything.

With phasers set on stun Chakotay ordered his people to move in towards the life signs and attempt to identify the unusual life sign reading..

The landing party without hesitation made there way towards the source of the tricorder readings. Tom Paris attentively monitoring his tricorder stumbled and fell to his knees. Ensign Mendes rushed to his aid and asked if he was hurt. After realizing that Paris and Mendes had fallen out step, Chakotay and Tuvok joined the two junior officers to see what was delaying them. He asked if there was a problem.Paris explained that he had the misfortune of taking a spill on piping in the underbrush of the path they were walking.

Tuvok crouched towards the pipe and passed a tricorder scanner over it to discover that the pipe contained water possibly for irrigation.

Tom stood up and dusted the soil from his uniform and questioned.

"Irrigation, irrigation for what?"

Ensign Mendes pointed to the east and said "for that!"

All eyes turned to the direction Mendes had pointed out. There they gazed upon simple but thriving crops surrounding three meager structures. With cautious steps the four officers made there way towards the apparent homestead. Tuvok suggested keeping phasers set for stun but not drawn as whatever life signs they encounter could interpret it as hostility.

They swiftly arrived at the location the tricorder readings had drawn them to when an unfamiliar voice from behind them demanded they drop their weapons and turn around slowly. They did as the voice had requested to discover a young human male of approximately twenty-five to thirty years old. He was armed with a type two hand phaser a model that has not been used by Starfleet in over seventy-five years. Tuvok being the oldest member of the landing party identified the weapon immediately.

Chakotay attempted to explain to this man that they were from the Starship Voyager and meant him no harm. He even assured the stranger that the weapon he held was not necessary. The young man was quick to respond by claiming that these members of the Voyager crew were trespassing and he would decide how necessary the phaser is.

While still holding his phaser on the foursome the man bent down and picked up their phasers and put them in a satchel he wore over his shoulder. Without another spoken word he directed them towards one of the structures beyond the fields. Once inside he requested that one by one they hand over their tricorders and comm. badges. Concerned for the welfare of his people, Chakotay remained silent and did as his captor had asked.

The building was more than a structure as it appeared from the outside. On the inside it was apparently this man's home. Lieutenant Paris being somewhat of a historian recognized the decor as being from mid twenty-first century Earth.

Realizing these trespassers posed no immediate threat, the stranger asked them where they were from and why they were here.

Being the Senior Officer Chakotay felt he should field the questioning, he explained again that they were from the Starship Voyager, and that they were from a planet on the other side of the galaxy called Earth.

"You are from Earth?" exclaimed the stranger.

"What do you know of Earth?" asked Tuvok.

The stranger put down his phaser on the table next to him and walked to a cabinet on the other side of the room. Out of the cabinet, he pulled out a bottle and five glasses. He placed them on the table in front of the Voyager crewmates and apologized for being such a poor host. He excused himself by explaining to his guests that one can’t be too careful in this part of the galaxy.

"What are your names?" inquired the stranger.

Now feeling at ease, with a smile on his face Chakotay introduced himself , and the rest of the landing party. The stranger now knew who they were, Chakotay felt it was time to inquire about this identity. With a hint of reluctance their host answered by introducing himself as Zee.

Zee reached forward and poured drinks for his quests and himself. In order for them to show courtesy the Voyager crew all gratefully accepted his offer. Feeling these people from Voyager meant no harm to him, Zee reached into his satchel and returned the items he confiscated from them earlier.

Time being a commodity in limited supply Chakotay resumed his questioning.

"Are you from Earth, Mr. Zee."

Again with reluctance Zee responded.

"I have always considered Alpha Centauri my home, and please drop the Mr. and just call me Zee."

Tuvok not being the most sociable man, picked up his tricorder and showed his findings to Zee, and asked him to shed some light on the second life form.

Zee was apprehensive, but he explained that the second reading was that of his companion Nancy and that he would appreciate no more questions regarding her. He stated that she valued her privacy even more than he.

Tuvok although just doing his job apologized for angering his host and turned the questions over to Ensign Mendes. Mendes having never been put in a position where she was the center of attention articulated her questions carefully.She gingerly inquired about the dilithium readings picked up in their scans.

At this point Chakotay interrupted and explained to Zee that they had a very long journey back to Earth, and due to recent enemy attacks their vessel was in serious need of repairs to it’s fuel cells.They had been running sensor sweeps through this part of space looking for dilithium to replace what they’ve lost in battle. Their sensors showed high concentrations on this planetoid, and once they transported to the surface tricorder readings led them there.The Voyager crew didn’t mean to invade Zee’s privacy, but considering the condition the ship was in they had limited options. Chakotay humbly asked for Zee’s assistance.

Complete silence filled the room. Zee swallowed what remained of his drink. The officers silently awaited in anticipation a response from Zee.

"I will help you," Zee said softly. "But, I must ask something of you in return."

"Anything," replied Chakotay.

Zee described to his guests that on Stardate 3219.8, while residing in another part of the galaxy, he had contact with another Starship. Their crew had agreed to keep his whereabouts confidential. He desired the same agreement with this Starship crew.

Being the fine officer that he was, Tuvok felt that was a decision for their Captain to make. Zee agreed that the Captain needed to be involved but he desired that with the exception of the Captain, no one else aboard Voyager be given any knowledge of his companion Nancy or himself.

Chakotay agreed with Zee’s request. He and Lieutenant Tuvok beamed back to the ship in order to brief the Captain. Paris and Mendes remained on the surface to coordinate their repair needs with Zee.

Moments later Chakotay and Tuvok met with Captain Janeway in her ready room. The Commander briefed the Captain on their findings. Janeway listened attentively as her two most senior officers described the details of their away mission and the terms in which Zee would be willing to render assistance. Janeway was quick to question as to how this man wound up in the Delta Quadrant and as to whom this companion is. Chakotay didn’t have an answer, Zee responded defensively when inquiries were aimed at his personal life.

Tuvok remained quiet, knowing he was a Vulcan and incapable of human emotion, Janeway felt he looked troubled none the less, and requested his input on the situation. Tuvok was a security officer to the core, and was not satisfied with unanswered questions, but it seemed Zee posed no threat to them. They had little choice but to accept his terms, asking too many questions could cause him to turn Voyager away with no assistance at all.

Janeway agreed, but due to the nature of the repairs needed, her Chief Engineer Lieutenant Torres would need to oversee the project. Janeway having been informed of Zee’s desires to limit the number of people involved felt she should beam down personally and discuss it with him.Zee wanted confidentiality so that is just what Janeway was going to give him. She ordered Tuvok to initiate a shipwide security quarantine, and instructed Chakotay to inform Lieutenant Torres to prepare for a complete engine shutdown upon landing. The Captain reminded her officers that their meeting was classified for senior staff only, and swiftly made her way to the transporter room

With no time to waste Janeway beamed down to the coordinates supplied to her by Chakotay to find Paris waiting for her, with no time for small talk, she requested a status report from him. Paris informed her that Ensign Mendes was in the house with Zee discussing intermix formulas. Paris found Zee’s knowledge of warp theory to be nothing less than incredible.With that in mind, Janeway came to the conclusion that Zee may turn out to be more of an asset than she originally presumed. It was time she introduced herself to their new found ally.

Janeway followed Paris into the house. Mendes and Zee were deep in conversation and seemed unaware anyone entered the room.

"I am Captain Janeway of the Federation Starship Voyager," said Janeway as she made her presence known.

Zee introduced himself and apologized for his recent behavior towards the landing party. Janeway told him apologies weren't necessary. She then asked for Ensign Mendes’ report. Nervously described to the Captain that the samples of dilithium Zee had in the house, after careful study turned out to be lithium not dilithium as everyone had originally thought. Janeway naturally concerned by the Ensigns recent discovery, inquired as to what options were available.

With a surge of confidence, Mendes described that the base element was the same, and with minor modifications to the warp core the lithium would work. She of course would need to consult with Lieutenant Torres first. That was the cue Janeway needed to convince Zee that her Chief Engineer would need to be involved in order for the project to be successful. She assured Zee that Torres as well as the rest of the senior staff would take his secret to the grave.

Zee agreed with the Captain, they spent the remainder of the afternoon making arrangements to land Voyager in a nearby clearing. Having the necessary coordinates Paris returned to the ship to pilot her down to the surface.

Now back on Voyager, Lieutenant Paris is met by Commander Chakotay in transporter room two.

"I trust everything went well?" asked Chakotay.

Paris gave the Commander the coordinates supplied to him by Zee. They indicated that Voyager should be far enough from Zee’s home as not to raise any questions . In addition the Captain ordered all external sensors off line as an extra precaution to limit suspicions by the crew. Chakotay glanced over the coordinates and suggested that Paris go get some dinner and some rest. They had a busy day ahead of them.

Paris just stood there with his face void of any expression.Chakotay asked if there was a problem. Hesitantly Paris described to him that he found something familiar about Zee. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but for some strange reason he felt he knew him from somewhere.

"Leave it alone!" Chakotay sternly responded to Paris’ speculations, and refusing any more discussion on the subject ordered him dismissed.

Meanwhile back on the surface Janeway, Mendes and Zee frantically gathered lithium crystals for the project that awaited them at dawn. While on Voyager, Lieutenant Torres worked on the intermix ratios for the next days undertaking.

Morning had arrived with a radiant twin sunrise on the small planetoid. All but a handful of the crew being restricted to quarters Voyager seemed deserted. For fear of security breach Tuvok even had the Doctor's program shut down. With Paris at the helm and Chakotay at navigation they awaited the Captain's orders to bring Voyager down. Just when the tension was more than either man could tolerate the sound of Janeway's voice was heard on the comm. panel. She confirmed the coordinates, and gave the order to use a standard approach, and bring Voyager in slowly.

Although virtually silent in the vacuum of space the impulse engines roared like thunder entering the atmosphere. Paris had little experience landing a vessel of this size, but being the experienced pilot he was, Voyager touched down as if he'd done it one-hundred times.

Voyager had no sooner touched down when Janeway ordered Chakotay and Tuvok to remain on the bridge in order to monitor ships sensors. She signaled Torres in engineering to shut down the engines and warp core,the lithium crystals and Ensign Mendes would be beamed directly there. Zee graciously offered food supplies out of his own crops in addition to the lithium, so in turn Paris was needed to transport to the Captain’s location to coordinate those efforts. Neelix prepared to receive the supplies via transporter room one. There was much to be done but little time to do it, Chakotay had to put the pressure on. An ion storm was on it’s way, Voyager had to warp out of orbit inside of eighteen hours.

Janeway executed her plans well, with prompt speed Mendes and the lithium materialized in engineering. Having Mendes formulas in hand Torres immediately went to work on integrating the alien crystals into Voyager's dilithium chamber.

Twelve hours passed and Janeway now on the bridge impatiently demanded a report from engineering. Torres sounding exasperated reported the engines were nearly ready to be test fired but more simulation was recommended. There was no time for that though, Zee had informed the Captain that an ion storm on this planetoid could last for weeks at a time. Janeway demanded that they launch in six hours.

The staff doubled their efforts to ready Voyager for departure.

Six hours passed without incident due to the skill and dedication of the crew, Voyager was ready. The senior staff assembled on the bridge for prelaunch briefing. The Captain commended her staff’s efforts and praised them for completing such a great task in such a short amount of time. Janeway having thanked her staff authorized Tuvok to lift the shipwide quarantine, and the Commander prepare for launch. She had to thank Zee for his efforts as well before leaving.For reasons unknown to her Lieutenant Paris requested to join her in giving thanks to Zee. She didn’t know why Paris wanted to come along, but agreed with his request just the same. She had the crew stand ready to fire up the impulse engines and get under way the moment she and Paris returned.

Janeway and Paris beamed directly to Zee's homestead where they found him attending to his flower garden. She informed him that thanks to him Voyager was ready to go. She asked if he would be all right , and if there was anything at all that her or her crew could do for him. Without hesitation Zee asked for their silence and nothing more.

Janeway reached out her hand and wished their new friend good luck, they had to be going. She was about to tap her comm. badge when Paris interjected by requesting to remain for a moment. They didn’t have much time, but without questioning why she gave him a few minutes.

In a mist of blue light the Captain dematerialized leaving Paris and Zee standing there alone. Zee was confused as to why Paris wished to remain behind, he asked if something was wrong.

Paris responded "no, I just wanted to say it has been an honor meeting you and that your secret is safe with me Dr. Cochrane."

Paris expected a response, but Zefram just smiled and said "Godspeed Mr. Paris."

As the Captain did just a few moments before, Paris transported back to Voyager.

All the members of Voyager’s compliment were at their assigned duty stations awaiting the Captain’s orders to get under way. Janeway reviewed Chakotay’s status report and ordered all decks to prepare for launch.Within seconds all decks reported ready.

"Let's do it!" exclaimed Janeway. "Mr. Paris plot an orbital course and engage thrusters to one quarter impulse power."

With a deafening sound Voyager gracefully lifted off the surface. Once aloft Janeway ordered power increased to full impulse. In less than a moment Voyager was in orbit of Zee's planetoid. Janeway requested systems reports from all department heads before breaking orbit and going to warp.

All-systems-go was reported from all departments with the exception of engineering. Janeway called to Torres and asked if there was a problem with the warp engines. Torres informed her that going to warp this soon could be risky. The Captain understood completely, but staying here during an ion storm wasn’t advisable either. She reminded Torres that she was a Starfleet officer now and that risk was part of the job. Realizing she was in a no win situation Torres responded with "all-systems-go."

Engineering was ready, as was the rest of the ship, Janeway ordered a course plotted for the Alpha Quadrant at warp eight. She paused and smiled at the bridge crew and barked, "engage."

Voyager had gone to warp and was once again on it's long journey home.

The Captains confidence had reflected itself on the crew as they felt assured that their problems were behind them. Just as everything seemed to be going well an alarm sounded at the engineering station. Chakotay flew from his post to investigate, something in the warp core had triggered a red alert. He yelled over the comm. panel to Lieutenant Torres for a report.

Torres reported that the warp core had gone into matter-antimatter imbalance, and she was attempting to stabilize it. The situation was critical they needed to drop out of warp now. Janeway ordered Paris to reduce to impulse power, but the helm wouldn’t respond. Things went from bad to worse, from the science station Ensign Kim reported that the engine imbalance created a wormhole, and Voyager was right in the middle of it.

The wormhole was compromising their structural integrity. Voyager’s bridge was in chaos, but Janeway kept her wits and ordered Torres to take the engines off line. She relayed to the Captain that at the speed they were traveling it could rip them apart. With no time to debate this Janeway reminded her Chief Engineer about the risks they had talked about earlier, and that this was one of them.

Torres took the engines off line as the Captain had ordered, Voyager's hull nearly buckled under the stress but due to Chakotay’s quick thinking by increasing power to the shields she remained intact.

Although the inertial dampers remained online the sudden halt threw crew members from bow to stern on all decks. The red alert klaxon sounded loudly throughout the ship. Janeway picked herself up from the deck and requested a status report.

All decks reported minor injuries, but no casualties. Engineering reported that main power could be restored in about an hour. Janeway looked to Tuvok for a report on their position. He relayed that according to stellar cartography, Voyager was two point six light years from the Bajoran Wormhole. Navigation was able to confirm, the wormhole the matter-antimatter imbalance created had transported them to the Gamma Quadrant.

With no haste at all Janeway took the next logical step, she ordered Ensign Kim to send out a subspace message to Deep Space Nine, informing them of their current situation and position. While tapping the communications console Harry’s joyous expression became one of frustration. Something was jamming their transmission.

Tuvok attempted to locate the source of the jamming. Moments later he was able to locate the source. It was approaching at impulse speed and closing fast. Leaving no time for anyone to react Ensign Kim announced that they were being hailed.

" Put it on the screen, " snapped Janeway.

As the viewscreen came into focus, the image that appeared instilled mixed emotions among the bridge crew. To some this was an ally who had come to their aid. To others, this was their worst enemy. The figure before them was a Cardassian.

Janeway demanded to know what provoked this, she accused the Cardassian Gul of violating treaty.

"Treaty?" said Vortik, "that’s old news." There had been some territorial changes since Voyager had disappeared. This was Dominion Space, and Starfleet’s presence would not be tolerated. Vortik informed Janeway and her crew that Cardassian and Jem’Hadar reinforcements would be arriving in three hours, at which time she would surrender her ship and crew to them. He warned Janeway that any attempt to raise shields or charge weapons would lead to their destruction. Before ending the transmission,with a tone of smug confidence Vortik ordered the Captain to prepare to be boarded in three hours.

Blank expression filled the faces of the bridge crew, for a moment not a word was spoken . Out of the silence Lieutentant Paris spoke up.

"What are we going to do Captain?"

For the first time in her career Janeway was faced with a question she could not answer. With no other solution available, she was forced to look to her senior staff for some answers. All senior staff were ordered to report to the briefing room. Janeway’s officers having many questions but no immediate answers didn’t speak a word amongst themselves, but made their way directly to the briefing room as the Captain had ordered.

The staff arrived in the briefing room with punctuality, having the Captain only moments behind them to start the meeting.

Janeway started the meeting by asking her officers what they were going to do. Before that question could be answered, they needed to know what they had to work with and what they were up against.

Engineering reported full power had been restored, they could have warp speed in two hours.

Janeway inquired about the communications status. Voyager had ship to ship communications, but the Cardassians were still jamming the long range and subspace communications.

If that wasn’t bad enough, Tuvok ran long range scans to discover that an entire armada of warships were heading directly for their coordinates. Although all weapons systems were online, Tuvok did not recommend using them.

Chakotay theorized that they may have one tactical advantage in their favor. Vortik didn’t fire on them, he had the perfect opportunity. He mentioned surrendering the ship and crew which lead the first officer to suspect that Vortik wanted Voyager in one piece.

Tuvok felt the Commanders assumption was a logical one, but added their reluctance to fire on Voyager may diminish if they were to take a tactical position. Janeway had a difficult choice to make, they could put up a fight and run the risk of being destroyed by the oncoming armada, or worse. The Cardassians commandeering Voyager would without a doubt be worse. The Cardassian-Dominion alliance seemed to have a stronghold on the Gamma Quadrant. If they were to acquire any of Voyager’s data on the Delta Quadrant, they surely would have the means to overtake all of Federation space and eventually the entire galaxy.

All eyes in the room looked upon the Captain in anticipation for another option. Although there was another option Janeway was hesitant to suggest it to her crew. With an armada of ships blocking the Bajoran Wormhole, and no other safe haven in that quadrant they would have to make a run for it.

"To where?" questioned Torres.

Janeway couldn’t believe she would ever be saying this, but theoretically they could recreate the accident that brought them there and escape back to the Delta Quadrant.

Looks of disbelief and frustration filled the room. The crew had come too far to turn back now. The Captain again looked to her officers for their opinions.Tuvok in agreements with the Captain felt that retreat would be the logical course of action.

In a sudden burst of anger Torres exclaimed, "Tuvok are you crazy, this could be our last chance to get home!"

As a result of Torres’ behavior Chakotay was forced to intervene and remind her that she was out of line. Tuvok felt the need to answer Torres’ question by informing her that the results of his last psychological evaluation were within normal parameters.

Disregarding the recent outburst by her Chief engineer Janeway continued the meeting. She asked Chakotay’s opinion on their options. He felt Torres had a valid point this very well could be their last chance to get home.

Janeway glanced around the room looking for more input from her staff when Tuvok in a soft voice said, "a revered Vulcan scholar once said the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."

Janeway was inclined to agree with Lieutenant Tuvok, the welfare of the Federation and it’s citizens was their first priority. The odds of victory in a battle situation were less than favorable, and as a Starfleet officer she would not gamble with the lives of Federation citizens.

Torres could feel her Klingon blood begin to boil. She stood from her chair and pounded her fist on the table and in a fit of rage told the Captain, " it’s easy for you to make a decision like that, your home wasn’t stolen or your family killed by those Cardassian bastards!"

Janeway shot Chakotay an angered look. He told Torres " that’s enough B’Elanna!" She tried to interject again, but the Captain had heard enough from her as well, and dismissed Torres from the meeting.

Torres stormed out of the room, Janeway wrapped up the meeting with the remaining members of her senior staff. She requested that Chakotay talk with Torres, with only two hours until the armada was due to arrive, she needed to know all her people were on the same side.

With the Captain’s meeting concluded the staff made their way to their respective duty stations. Chakotay on the other hand, responding to Janeway’s request to speak with Lieutenant Torres, approached a computer access panel.

"Computer," addressed Chakotay, "locate Lieutenant Torres."

Instantaneously, without inflection the familiar voice informed Chakotay that Lieutenant Torres was in the mess hall. Taking assured strides, he expeditiously headed for the nearest turbolift. He entered the turbolift and requested deck two, having second thoughts about his destination, canceled deck two and requested deck five.

Chakotay entered the sickbay to find the holographic doctor reading a pad at his desk. The Doctor asked if Chakotay was sick or injured. No, he was there to see Kes, but the Doctor wasn’t satisfied with that, he again inquired if there was something he could do. Chakotay was now growing increasingly impatient with the Doctor, and was forced to reveal to him that he needed to speak to Kes about Lieutenant Torres. The Doctor had heard about Torres’ out burst during the staff meeting, and offered his services as a counselor. He claimed to be programmed with the knowledge of some of the great psychoanalytical minds of the last three hundred years, and would be willing to talk to her. Chakotay didn’t doubt the Doctor’s claim, but B’Elanna didn’t need a psychiatrist, she needed a friend.

Meanwhile as Voyager sat dormant outside the Bajoran wormhole, Janeway sat in her ready room trying to piece together a strategy out of their current situation. With a look of frustration she peered at the Cardassian ship holding Voyager at bay, suddenly the door chime sounded bringing Janeway out of her meditative state.

From the other side of the door entered Tuvok, he seemed to have the same frustrated look Janeway had just moments before. Tuvok was troubled, there was no doubt they could recreate the accident that brought Voyager to this quadrant, but all the tactical scenario’s he ran showed Voyager being destroyed before they could go to warp speed.

Now in the mess hall, Kes strolled in to find it deserted with the exception of Neelix preparing dinner and Torres sitting alone with coffee in hand. Without haste Neelix excused himself leaving Torres and Kes to themselves.Torres was in no mood for company, when Neelix tried to cheer her up she threatened to disembowel him. Kes wasn’t there to cheer her up,but she could relate to B’Elanna’s situation more than one might think. When the Kazon invaded the Ocampa home world, many people were killed, those who survived were forced from their homes and condemned to a life of exile underground.

"So you can relate to me, so what!" snapped Torres.

In Torres’ eyes Kes’ story still didn’t explain why Captain Janeway was so willing to give up what could possibly be their final chance to get home. Kes explained to B’Elanna that the Captain’s decision was the right one. The Captain could have used the Caretakers array to get home, but that would have doomed millions of Ocampa people to death. She had a similar decision to make now, except it’s not millions of lives at stake, it’s billions. Torres was calmer than before, she hated to admit it, but Tuvok was right. The needs of the many do outweigh the needs of the few.

The innocent personality of Kes had reached Torres’ Klingon soul. B’Elanna now knew what she had to do, but first she had some fences to mend. She got up from her chair, thanked Kes for putting the subject at hand in a better light and headed for the Captain’s ready room.

Torres approached the Captain in her ready room, she was in a better mood than when Janeway had last seen her.

"Is there room on this mission for a sometimes selfish chief engineer?", asked Torres obviously sorry for her recent behavior.

Janeway assumed that B’Elanna’s presence their was an indication that she could count on her support. Torres formally apologized for her actions at the meeting. Janeway accepted her apology, but requested that in the future if she disagreed with a command decision, she would prefer to discuss it privately.

Prior to meeting with the Captain, Torres had been briefed by Chakotay on their current status, but Janeway needed to know how much time would be required to power up the engines and achieve warp eight. In the shape the engines were in after their trip from the Delta Quadrant, it would take at least ninety seconds, considering that the lithium crystals from Zee’s planetoid could take the stress again.

Ninety seconds was a long time, Vortik could destroy Voyager in ninety seconds. Janeway needed a diversion that could buy them the time they needed. Torres had a plan, but the timing had to be precise. She walked to a computer access terminal and began to describe a very old Klingon tactical maneuver. They could create a small plasma leak in one of the forward containment tanks, which would vent plasma between them and Vortik. He would probably hail Voyager when his sensors detect the leak, and that’s when they would make their move.

Janeway incorrectly suggested that they ignite the plasma with phasers or a photon torpedo, but the fact of the matter was that Vortik would immediately detect their weapons charging and be forced to make good on his word by destroying them. Instead of firing weapons, they would send an ultra-high-frequency energy burst through their communications array in response to his hail. Torres claimed that this should be enough to ignite the plasma. By the time he realizes what they are doing the plasma will have exploded, throwing his sensors off line and giving Voyager the time they need to go to warp. Janeway praised Torres’ ingenuity, and suggested she get with Lieutentant Tuvok and Ensign Kim and hash out the details and report back to her by nineteen hundred hours. They didn’t have much time, the armada was approaching rapidly.

Nineteen hundred hours had arrived and one by one the senior staff arrived at the Captain’s ready room, as the attendance increased so did the level of tension in the room. Janeway was the last to arrive. Inquisitive stares followed her every move, from the moment she passed through the door to the instant she took her respective place at the head of the meeting table.

Everyone had been briefed on the plan of action. The meeting had been called in order for Janeway to be sure that all members of the crew were in agreement to what must be done to preserve the Federation. At that point the stares that were focused upon Janeway shifted towards Lieutenant Torres.

"I’m with you Captain," said Torres in response to the looks she was getting from her fellow officers.

Janeway was glad to hear that they were one crew again. She needed to keep the meeting short, they were almost out of time. The ships status was excellent, all decks reported ready, but Chakotay suggested going to yellow alert.

Engineering was prepared to vent plasma and go to warp on the Captains signal. Helm reported that course and heading had been plotted, and with the help of Lieutentant Torres the warp core had been tied in with the helm computer to imbalance just as it had done before, the moment they reach warp nine. Tuvok and Kim had been efficient in their duties as well, tactical and communications stood ready to fire the energy burst the moment engineering signaled.

The meeting was concluded, Janeway ordered her staff to their duty stations, and put the ship on general quarters until further notice. With boldness and conviction the mixed crew of the U.S.S. Voyager hurriedly made their way to their stations to once again work as a team. As Chakotay’s voice bellowed general quarters and the yellow alert beacons flashed on all decks, even the most seasoned officers knew that the situation was critical. The crew were in position awaiting orders from the Captain.

"It’s now or never," whispered Janeway under her breath. With their time all but expired Janeway ordered engineering to begin venting plasma. Paris stood ready, hovering over the helm controls awaiting the Captain’s signal to go to warp. Just as Torres had predicted, Vortik’s sensors had detected the plasma and he attempted to hail Voyager.

That was Tuvok’s signal, in response to Vortik’s hail he fired the energy burst through the array. The plasma exploded just as they planned. The Cardassian vessel didn’t know what hit them. Lieutenant Torres and her engineering staff were more efficient than anticipated, when they brought the warp engines on line in just under fifty seconds.

Like a well oiled machine the pieces of the plan fell into place. Voyager began to shudder and shake as the warp core began to imbalance. For the second time Voyager entered the wormhole that it’s warp core created. The shields were at maximum, and all available power was channeled to the inertial dampers. It had seemed they had no sooner entered the wormhole, and Torres had taken the engines off line and fired the breaking thrusters.

The thrusters fired, and although a little shaken Voyager handled their second trip through the artificial wormhole with flying colors. The Starfleet and Maquis crewmembers worked together in a wonderful display of synchronisity, one would have difficulty believing that not to long ago they were working against one another.

"What’s our position?" inquired Janeway. The sensors indicated that Voyager was three parsecs from their original course heading. They had full warp capability in all flight modes, but the warp core wouldn’t take the stress of passing through the wormhole a third time. They were going to have to get home the old-fashioned way.

"Plot a course Mr. Paris," said Janeway, "the Alpha Quadrant, warp six. Let’s go home."

The valiant crew of the Starship Voyager not knowing what lurks beyond the next star cluster or nebula continued on their journey to where truly no man has gone before.


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