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Chapter 20

   Sam's body rested on a hospital bed. Surrounding him were his friends from this mission, each looking saddened in their own way. There was nothing they could do; there was nothing that could be done. Al stood by his friend's side, and he was determined to stay there until the bitter end. He looked at his control mouse, and there was a one hundred percent chance of Sam dying. He knew that without even looking; his instincts had told him.
   Mulder and Scully walked away to talk to the nurse about forms or to answer questions or something, but he barely paid any attention. Then he felt a slight brushing against his left hand. Looking down, he saw Sam's face stare up at him.
   "Al?" he asked in a whispered and tired voice. "What happens?"    For one last sake, Al brought his hand link up and accessed the information he needed. And, for the final and last time, he told Sam the results of his actions. "In a few years, MacGyver goes back to the Phoenix Foundation, and some months after that, Peter Thorton gets some experimental eye surgery and regains his sight. As for Mulder and Scully, they--" And that was when he heard it. The flat line, cursed by all doctor, sounded in the room like the death knell it was. In the back of his mind, he heard an unfamiliar voice say, "We were unable to find their remains," but he paid it no attention. There was no need.

* * *


   Scully heard the flat line. After getting the report from the Phoenix man, she moved to the foot of Sam's bed and just stared at him. He was exactly like his photo in his background report, and he was exceptionally handsome, even in death.
   She turned away from the body that now peacefully rested on the bed before her and instead turned her attention to the flat line. Slowly walking toward it, she turned the machine off; there was no longer a need for it to make its dreadful and sorrowful announcement. It had done its job, and it was now time to shut it up. But its sound continued in her head, refusing to be stifled, and for the first time, in a long time, Scully did something she hadn't done in a long time. She wept. The tears flowed down her hot cheeks freely, and then she felt the hands of her partner on her shoulders and his chest on her back. Turning to him, Scully wrapped her arms around Mulder's body and buried her face in his chest. He rested his head on hers, and they remained that way for many hours.

* * *

   "It's time to go," Robert said to Al.
   Al slowly looked in his direction, forgetting that his former POW mate was next to him. "Bring him back," he said. It wasn't a demand; it was a plea.
   But Robert Shook his head. "It's not my mission." He passed his hand over Al, and when Al looked down, he saw that he was back in his eighty-six year old body. "Go home, Al," he heard Robert say. "I'll take care of everything here."
   He didn't want to. He didn't want to leave Sam behind. But there was nothing he could do. Tapping on his hand link, he opened the door to the imaging chamber and stepped back into the year 2020. The lights of the hallway were brighter than those in the hospital, but his eyes quickly adjusted as he walked through and entered the main area. There, his wife and Tina waited for him.
   Beth said nothing. When her husband approached, she just opened her arms to him, and the held each other tightly. Al saw Tina standing nearby, and with his left hand he waved her over. Together, they stood before each other in a group hug, and remained in that position for hours.

* * *

   Sam opened his eyes and saw a bright light. It went away quickly, giving way to all the people he had known and loved. He saw Donna, his beautiful wife, smiling at him, beckoning him to her with her smile. And he saw his parents standing to either side of her and his sister, Katie, beside his mother. He didn't know what to say, what to do. But then another person appeared beside him and told him what he always wanted to hear.
   "Go to them," Robert said. "The time has come for you to rest, Samuel Beckett; you've earned it."
   There was nothing he would rather do. He ran to them. He picked Donna up in his arms and twirled her about. And then he grabbed his family and hugged them together. He was home, he realized with happiness. He was right where he belonged, in the arms of his loved ones, and he hoped to God that he would never have to leave. God heard his hope, and granted it.

<-- Chapter 19    Epilogue -->

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