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Chapter 19

   The thunder sounded and the lightning flashed, bringing with them the onslaught of rain and wind. Everyone was chilled to the bone and wished that, if they were going to die, that it be now before frostbite kicked in. It was an odd thought, one that was easily pushed aside for the planning of the next move.
   The trees creaked loudly. It sounded to all as if they were going to be ripped out from their own trunks to fly about in the wind, just to be free from their hold on the earth. The most damage done, however, were the breaking of branches that flew about in the night sky to be never seen again until the break of dawn, which would then shatter their hold on hiding in the darkness and exposing their position for all to see.
   As the wind howled in their ears and the rain threaten to blind them, they paid no attention to their surroundings and focused on the only thing that mattered: Barbara Hayes. At first, she just stood there, claws outstretched (for they were, indeed, claws), teeth bare. It seemed as if she wasn't aware of her surroundings, her eyes appearing to look outward and inward, but when her eyes settled on the group before her, they knew they were mistaken. Barbara was aware of her surrounding, she knew of the situation, and she knew what to do next. She had to kill everyone in her sight, and faster than light, she tried.
   Her arm shot out before anyone could see, and she was sure, confident even, that she would make her mark. But then something extraordinary happened: the curious young boy shot out with his fist and shocked her, her body going into convulsions, but remaining standing.
   Al looked at Robert curiously, and this time he answered his unspoken question. "Hayes was never meant to be so quick; I couldn't allow her to remain so."
   That remark spoke to him on a magnitude of levels. Robert had actually stepped in to do Sam's job and perform a duty that Sam was unable to complete. He was truly a being of great power, especially since the blow he struck was as if the thunder had flown down from the heavens to move among the people that it had lived over for thousands of years, sending fear into their hearts that now was magnified by its close range. Now when Robert said he was a being of divine power, he would no longer have any doubts.
   As Barbara stood on the ground, all her senses shocked, Mulder, Scully, and Sam advanced on their enemy. Somehow they needed to put an end to her reign of power before she could do any harm to anyone, and they had no idea about how to do that. Nonetheless, the endeavored to stop her where she stood.
   Mulder tackled her. Rolling off her body, he grabbed her head while Scully stood on her left side holding Barbara's hands and Sam stood at her feet holding her ankles. They reacted purely on instinct, with no awareness to what they were doing, and they began to pull. She stretched like play dough, her arms, legs, and head unwilling to tear off. They pulled harder, faster, but to no avail. With lightning speed, Barbara came out of her shock and forced her appendages back to their normal shapes and sizes, and in response to that force, Mulder, Scully, and Sam crashed into each other and landed on top of her. With a swipe of her hand she threw them off. They immediately got to their feet, with the house behind them, anticipating the next attack.
   "Give up!" Barbara shouted over the wind and thunder. "You are no match for me!" They paid her no attention. She felt angry, irritated, annoyed. For so long she had suffered her condition. At first it had been a blessing, but now it was a nightmare and she just wanted it to be over. Hers was a tortured soul, and if anyone else wanted to join her, who was she to say "No"? At least she and Barry would no longer suffer alone. She lashed out.
   Her arm stretched to cover the distance, she swept her arm around in an arch, intending to wipe them on their sides, but because of that boy who interfered, he reaction time had been sluggish, and her enemies were able to duck out of the way. She saw that boy. He was simply staring at her, at the situation, and he seemed to have humor in his eyes. He was laughing at her, she knew, and she didn't like people laughing at her suffering. She shot her arm directly at him, stretching over the distance between them, but ultimately, her arm passed right through him and never made contact. He seemed amused by the action. She turned her attention away from his damnable eyes; there was nothing she could do to him, and her three attackers were preparing for another ambush.
   Looking back at them, she saw one of the men charging. She swiped her arm around without stretching it, but he suddenly fell back and kicked forward in midair. It was the same trick done to her son, and she had mistakenly fallen for it, and as he body fell to the ground and his ahead of her, she heard the woman attacker call out, "Mulder!" and run toward her. No. She was heading for the one called Mulder, and Barbara immediately had a plan.
   As the thunder, lightning, wind, and rain worsened, the woman attacker ran for the Mulder person, running around Barbara to make sure she wasn't hit. But she had no intention of hitting the woman attacker; not yet. Instead, she shot out her hand, and with a cry, the woman attacker fell to the ground near the Mulder person and skidded to his side. The Mulder person tried to pick the woman attacker up, and as he did so, Barbara knew that now was the time to strike. Getting off the soggy ground and standing to her full height, she reformed her hand into the spike and brought her arm back. She then shot it forward, and the spike moved. As did the third attacker.
   With the speed of Zeus' lightning bolts, Sam ran past Barbara Hayes, and as the spike flew toward Mulder and Scully, he knew what he had to do: push the spike out of the way. But that didn't happen. As he tried to make the attempt, the ground beneath him became more wet than he had expected, and he slipped. The spike plunged into his abdomen with the force of a nuclear explosion, and Sam was thrown back, landing on Mulder and Scully. The lightning flashed, the thunder sounded, and as Sam saw gratification on Barbara's face, he saw the unexpected lightning bolt thrown down from the heavens that landed on her head. She took the brunt of the electricity, as did he, and after standing on her feet for five more seconds, Barbara Hayes fell to the ground, never to stand again, and her body shattered into infinite pieces. For a moment, he thought he saw her and her son's spirit jump out of the ground and reach up, but that vision was shaken away as he heard Al call out, "Saaaaaaaam!" and felt Mulder and Scully pick him off the wet soil and carry him through the woods.
   He drifted in and out of consciousness. He saw the lightning changing the arrangement of the trees, and he saw the thunder bring the house of the demolition man. He saw the wind carry him into the back seat of a car, and he felt the rain move the vehicle on the ground. The next thing he knew, he saw a tree blocking the road, and in the back of his mind he heard the sirens of an ambulance. The wind carried him out of the car and up the roadblock made of tree and mud, and he saw the ambulance in his mind as the wind carried him into it. He looked down at himself and saw his stomach was free of impalement, and then the world around him fell into complete darkness, and he wondered if he would ever look upon its surface again.

<-- Chapter 18    Chapter 20 -->

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