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Welcome to Kenny's Homepage

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For some reason my website has been hacked and items deleted. I will try to get things fixed as soon as I can figure our whats been going on

Well I suppose some of you may have been talking to me on the internet and was wanting to know a lil more about me. On this page I will try and give you the scoop about me, my job, hobbies and so fourth. I'll try to include everything except my finger prints and mug shots.:) Also I am placing some EMS and Fire poems and short stories that I have collected over time. I will be posting them on my Poems and letters page. Check it out, and if you have some letters or anything else of interest. You can mail them to me. I will look them over and post them if I can.

For all you scuba nuts like myself, here are a few good diving spots that I have dived:

Dive Land Quarry in Glenco, Alabama
Marth'a Quarry in Lebadon, Tenn.
Rock Divers Quarry in Madison, Alabama
Vortex Springs at Ponce De Leon, Florida

Hey, you want to see more? Check out my dive page.

Please pay a visit to my Links Page. This is where I can give credit to all the nifty lil Icon and button makers. They really make web building much easier.

Below are four pictures. Each picture links to a album in correspondence to that picture. The first picture is all fire related, the second is work etc....etc....

Hanceville Fire and Rescue] Poems and Letters] [ Profile Page ]

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