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Marjorie Booker

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Don't Call Me Nigger

Don't Call Me Nigger!

Don't call me nigger!
You don't know me.
Whether I come from
The Black land of Africa
From the islands of the Seas
Or the other lands of this universe,
I'm not to be judged by
The pigmentation of my skin
Or by the texture of my hair.
Who are you to judge me
Don't call me nigger!
You don't know me.
You don't know my family heritage
You don't definitely do not know
The heritage of my race.
Look at the civilization of Africa
And you'll learn from whence
I came.
I'm proud to be black - I hope
You can say the same for your race.
I've ran with kings and queens
Blessed the lands with the
Toil of my sweat
And the shedding of my blood.
Don't call me nigger!
You don't know me......

©1995 Marjorie Booker


If you would like to finish reading this poem or would like to know more about the Book - Don't Call Me Nigger - Please go to the first Link "See My Book.." Then just input the Title - Don't Call Me Nigger and/or Author - Marjorie Booker.

Nigger - A disrespectful name indicates lack of knowledge and respect for others. No one has the right to downgrade another, since none of us had a choice in the race in which he finds himself. Each person is just as important as the other; it is what we do with our lives that really makes us worthwhile. Since all races have contributed to civilization and life, let us respect each other and learn to get long.

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